In 2016, the Obama administration signed a military agreement with Israel granting $38 billion in arms over 10 years. Back then, the deal was seen as uncontroversial. However, it has now become a source of tension for the Biden administration. Some lawmakers and activists are calling for a halt in arms shipments to Israel due to its military actions in Gaza. Despite criticism of Israel’s military campaigns, President Biden has not taken any action to limit arms deliveries.

The U.S. and Israel have a long-standing military relationship, with the U.S. supplying Israel with critical equipment, including fighter jets, helicopters, and various missiles. Legislation mandates that the U.S. help Israel maintain military superiority in the region. The process of arms delivery to Israel is complex and opaque, with many weapons being funded under the Obama-era agreement. President Biden has requested an additional $14 billion in arms aid for Israel, which is currently being held up in Congress.

Arms deliveries to Israel are a routine process, with authorization for shipments occurring almost daily. Despite criticism of Israel’s actions, the Biden administration has continued to support arms sales to Israel. While President Biden has been critical of Israel’s military campaigns, he has refrained from placing limits on arms aid. However, there are indications that the administration may be considering a shift in policy based on recent discussions with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel receives arms from the U.S. through the Defense Department and directly from American weapons manufacturers. Orders are fulfilled in smaller groups over time, with a lengthy process involved in getting the weapons to Israel. Israel has requested expedited fulfillment of orders since the recent conflict, including munitions such as bombs. Some of the requested items are aimed at enhancing Israel’s defenses against various regional threats.

There has been dissent within the State Department regarding arms transfers to Israel, with concerns raised about Israel’s commitment to international law. President Biden issued a memorandum requiring aid recipients to adhere to international law guidelines. However, after Israel provided assurances, the State Department accepted them. Critics argue that this exercise adds little to existing requirements for military aid recipients to follow international humanitarian law.

The U.S. administration faces pressure from Congress to provide more transparency on arms sales to Israel. Some new orders have bypassed the normal congressional review process, prompting concerns among lawmakers. The Biden administration is urging lawmakers to approve major arms orders from Israel, including F-15 jets and potentially F-35 jets. The U.S. has leverage over Israel due to its military aid, and there are calls for the administration to use this leverage to shape Israeli government behavior.

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