Carmen and Valentina are sitting in Carmen’s enclosed patio, trying to escape the relentless afternoon sun by grabbing fans. Despite not speaking each other’s language – Carmen speaks Spanish and Valentina speaks Ukrainian – they understand each other perfectly. Carmen speaks slowly and calmly, while Valentina is animated and expresses herself with her eyes. Valentina’s 15-year-old grandson, Yaroslav, serves as a free professional interpreter. Valentina recently returned to El Saucejo, Spain, with her three grandchildren after fleeing the war in Ukraine in 2022.

The Martynenko family returned to Ukraine in 2023, despite living close to the front line in Krivói Rog. Living with constant air raid warnings, power cuts, and bombings near their home, they decided to seek refuge once again in El Saucejo. Thanks to a group of volunteers who helped them during their first exile, Valentina and her grandchildren found solace in the tranquility of the Spanish village. Despite the distance, Carmen stays informed about the situation in Ukraine and worries about the safety of her neighbors.

Carmen and Valentina bond over their shared experiences, with Carmen often helping Valentina with errands and taking her to places like Córdoba. Valentina appreciates the kindness and support she receives from Carmen, especially during their time in Spain. Despite the language barrier, they have developed a deep connection. Valentina finds comfort in El Saucejo and dreams of settling there permanently, away from the chaos of war in Ukraine.

The Martynenko grandchildren have integrated well into life in El Saucejo, with Yaroslav excelling in school and even teaching others about the situation in Ukraine. Zlata has made friends, and Valentina is learning to swim with her youngest grandson, Makar. Despite having return tickets to Ukraine, they are considering staying longer in El Saucejo to avoid the uncertainties of war. With the support of Carmen and local volunteers, they have received financial assistance to cover their expenses and ensure a smooth transition.

As they enjoy the peaceful surroundings of Carmen’s garden, Valentina and Carmen share a bond that transcends language. Despite the horrors of war in Ukraine, they find comfort in each other’s company and the support of the community in El Saucejo. Valentina’s hopes for a brighter future for her family are grounded in the stability and warmth of their new home in Spain. Despite the challenges they face, they find solace in the kindness and generosity of those around them.

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