A working lunch took place at Palazzo Chigi between the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, Deputy Prime Ministers Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani, the leader of Noi Moderati Maurizio Lupi, and the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, according to a joint statement from the center-right. The government officials discussed the Medium-Term Structural Plan introduced by the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact rules that Italy must present to the European Commission by September 20th and the Budget Law for 2025. Minister Giorgetti briefed the center-right leaders on the current state of public finances and the new budget procedures in light of the new European Pact. They reiterated their commitment to continue with a serious and balanced budget policy, to build on previous successes, and to allocate resources towards priorities such as families, businesses, youth, and childbirth while ending the ineffective bonus era.

The discussion focused on the stakes and rules of the new Stability and Growth Pact, as well as the consequences for Italy. The center-right also highlighted the seriousness and balance of the 2025 budget law, emphasizing the end of the bonus era that has not yielded results. The government faces a complex challenge, and as a result, majority meetings will become a regular appointment or something similar. The government aims to maintain previous accomplishments, such as tax wedge reductions, and explore new initiatives, such as decreasing the second-tier Irpef rate from 35% to 33%, while directing resources towards families, businesses, youth, and childbirth. The government will also prioritize healthcare, with the Prime Minister determined to invest more resources.

The meeting also addressed the need to present the Medium-Term Structural Plan and the Budget Law for 2025 to the European Commission by the deadline. Minister Giorgetti provided an update on public finances and the new budget procedures in light of the revised Stability and Growth Pact. The center-right reiterated its commitment to responsible budget policies, building on past achievements, and focusing on key priorities such as families, businesses, youth, and childbirth while discontinuing ineffective bonuses. The government will work towards a serious and balanced budget that aligns with the country’s needs and economic goals.

The government’s approach to the new Stability and Growth Pact rules and the 2025 budget law was further discussed, highlighting the need for a serious and balanced budget that prioritizes key areas like families, businesses, youth, and childbirth. The government is determined to build on previous successes, such as tax cuts, while also exploring new initiatives, including reducing the second-tier Irpef rate. The center-right emphasized the importance of focusing resources on essential priorities and bringing an end to ineffective bonuses. The government also plans to allocate more resources to the healthcare sector, as the Prime Minister aims to increase investments in this critical area.

Overall, the meeting at Palazzo Chigi between the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Noi Moderati leader, and the Minister of Economy focused on key issues such as the Medium-Term Structural Plan, the Budget Law for 2025, and the need for a serious and balanced budget that addresses the country’s economic challenges. The center-right reiterated its commitment to responsible financial management and prioritizing key areas like families, businesses, youth, and childbirth. The government aims to continue with successful policies, explore new initiatives, and allocate resources effectively while ending the era of ineffective bonuses. The government also plans to increase investments in healthcare, demonstrating its commitment to addressing critical needs and priorities for Italy’s future.

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