Jean Philippe Tanguy is applying pressure on the government to influence the Budget 2025. As a member of the Rassemblement National (RN) party in France, Tanguy stated that they are the opposition to Prime Minister Barnier and will vote against the budget. He indicated that they may censure the government by joining a motion of censure to potentially overthrow the government. Tanguy emphasized the importance of negotiating measures in the budget to protect the middle and working classes from excessive taxes. However, he expressed disappointment in the government’s lack of willingness to consider his party’s proposals.

The RN party’s economic priorities include reducing VAT on energy for heavy energy consumers, a campaign promise of Marine Le Pen in 2022, as well as eliminating VAT on essential goods to support low-income households. Their agenda aims to protect households of all income levels, employers with tax benefits, and owners of large companies and assets. On the other hand, their proposals may impact areas such as energy transition, foreigners, associations, culture, regions, government agencies, sick employees, multinational corporations, and financial capitalism. They suggest implementing retroactive measures to address these issues.

Tanguy’s efforts to pressure the government are part of a wider strategy by the RN party to influence the Budget 2025 and challenge Prime Minister Barnier’s policies. By threatening to censure the government, they aim to push for negotiations on key aspects of the budget to protect the interests of the middle and working classes. Despite their opposition stance, the RN party advocates for measures that benefit certain sectors of the economy, such as reducing taxes for heavy energy consumers and supporting low-income households.

The RN party’s economic proposals highlight their priorities in addressing tax policies and supporting specific sectors of the economy, while also expressing concerns about the government’s lack of responsiveness to their suggestions. Tanguy’s statement regarding potential censure of the government underscores the party’s determination to influence decision-making processes and advocate for measures that align with their agenda. Their focus on protecting middle and working-class interests demonstrates a commitment to addressing economic inequalities and ensuring fair treatment for all sectors of society.

In conclusion, Jean Philippe Tanguy’s actions and statements reflect the RN party’s efforts to influence the Budget 2025 and hold the government accountable for its economic policies. By emphasizing the need to negotiate key aspects of the budget to protect the middle and working classes, the party aims to promote measures that align with their economic priorities. Despite facing resistance from the government, the RN party continues to advocate for policies that benefit specific sectors of the economy and address concerns about tax policies and economic inequalities. Their strategy of threatening to censure the government demonstrates a proactive approach to challenging existing policies and advocating for change in economic decision-making processes in France.

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