Opposition has arisen from socialists, liberals, and Greens in response to Ursula von der Leyen’s appointment of Italian hard-right politician Raffaele Fitto as executive vice-president of the new European Commission. Fitto’s appointment has been criticized by moderates who previously supported von der Leyen’s reappointment in the European Parliament. While von der Leyen balanced gender, political affiliation, and geography in her new team, the appointment of Fitto has raised concerns among various political groups. The Socialists, Liberals, and Greens do not see Fitto’s appointment as a “red line” for withdrawing support for von der Leyen’s commission, but Fitto will need MEPs’ approval to secure the position.

Iratxe García, the Socialist leader in the Parliament, expressed disappointment in Fitto’s appointment, stating that it did not meet the demands of their political family. The Liberals, led by French MEP Valérie Hayer, also voiced their concerns about Fitto’s selection, emphasizing the importance of competence, independence from national member states, and a pro-European commitment. The Greens/EFA group feared that the appointment of Fitto and other commissioner candidates, particularly those from Hungary and Austria, could shift the Commission further to the right. Members of the Left group criticized von der Leyen’s decision, noting that this is the most right-wing European Commission ever and expressing concerns about Fitto’s inclusion as an EVP.

Despite the opposition from various political groups, the next steps in the process will see the European Parliament preparing commissioner hearings where each candidate will need to secure at least a two-thirds majority in the relevant European Parliament committees for approval. This task may not be easy for some candidates, including Fitto, who will need to demonstrate their qualifications, independence, and commitment to European values during the hearings. The concerns raised by socialists, liberals, Greens, and the Left group highlight the sensitivity and importance of selecting the right candidates for key positions within the European Commission to maintain the balance of power and values within the institution.

The appointment of Fitto as executive vice-president for Cohesion and Reforms has sparked debate and criticism within the European Parliament, with various political factions expressing their reservations about von der Leyen’s decision. The concerns around Fitto’s appointment center on his perceived alignment with the hard right and potential implications for the direction of the Commission. The emphasis on competence, independence, and pro-European commitment by political groups reflects the underlying values and priorities that should guide the selection of key personnel within the European Commission.

Moving forward, the commissioner hearings will serve as a critical stage in determining the suitability of candidates like Fitto, who will need to demonstrate their qualifications and alignments with European values to secure approval. The opposition from socialists, liberals, Greens, and the Left group underscores the diverse perspectives and values present within the European Parliament and the importance of upholding these values in the selection of key officials. As the European Commission takes shape under von der Leyen’s leadership, the debates and criticisms surrounding Fitto’s appointment highlight the continued significance of maintaining a balance of power, values, and alignment with European ideals within the institution.

In conclusion, the appointment of Raffaele Fitto as executive vice-president of the new European Commission has generated controversy and opposition among various political groups in the European Parliament. While von der Leyen sought to balance gender, political affiliation, and geography in her selection of commissioners, the choice of Fitto has raised concerns about the potential implications for the Commission’s direction and values. The upcoming commissioner hearings will play a crucial role in determining the suitability of candidates like Fitto and ensuring alignment with European principles and priorities. The criticisms and reservations expressed by socialists, liberals, Greens, and the Left group highlight the importance of upholding these values and maintaining a diverse representation within the European Commission to effectively serve the interests of all member states and citizens.

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