The Civil Guard has arrested M.A.C.S., a 39-year-old man from Córdoba, in Aielo de Malferit (Valencia, population 4,601), for allegedly posing as a priest and lawyer to scam money from parish priests across Spain using the ‘sick father’ scam. He would approach churches as a parishioner, asking for around 500 euros to visit his father, a deacon in a distant parish. He would then claim that his father had died, leaving a substantial inheritance that he needed help processing. The man, who has been sent to prison by a judge and faces charges of fraud, identity theft, and falsification of public documents by the Civil Guard, is wanted by twelve courts in Asturias, Jaén, Albacete, Castellón, and Huelva, with potential sentences totaling 18 years in prison.

His latest victims were the parish priests of Catral and Bigastro, two towns in the south of the province of Alicante. The alleged scammer posed as a devout Christian parishioner with family ties to the area, claiming his father was a deacon in Salamanca that he had recently reconnected with. He then asked for financial assistance in various forms, including substantial sums of money, which the victims willingly provided. Through a series of elaborate stories involving a fake inheritance, the victims were convinced to hand over large amounts of money to help the man’s family in need. The scammer used multiple identities and bank accounts, succeeded in tricking the priests into giving him substantial sums of money.

An investigation launched by the Judicial Police of the Almoradí Civil Guard station revealed that the same person was likely responsible for both scams, as the same modus operandi and phone numbers appeared in both cases. Investigators discovered links between all the phones and bank accounts used in the scams and M.A.C.S., who employed family members and partners as accomplices. They also found that the man had posed as a Romanian citizen, using a fake passport with his photo. Following leads to a town in Valencia, Catadau, the authorities arrested the suspect in Aielo de Malferit, seizing cash, jewelry, watches, and more fake documents from his homes.

After being brought before a court in Ontinyent, the suspect exercised his right to remain silent and was sent to prison due to his criminal record. His lawyer stated that the defense would be better prepared for a trial in Orihuela, where the case is likely to be transferred. The Guardia Civil confirmed that the investigation is ongoing and that there may be additional victims yet to come forward. The case serves as a cautionary reminder to stay vigilant and be aware of potential scams in close proximity. Subscribe to stay informed and read more about the case involving the alleged imposter priest and lawyer.

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