Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered a faith-driven commencement address at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, which sparked some controversy. Butker congratulated the class of 2024 on their achievements despite facing adversity during the COVID-19 pandemic. He emphasized the temporary nature of suffering and the importance of staying in one’s lane. Butker expressed concern over the impact of bad policies and poor leadership on society and criticized Catholic leaders who support morally objectionable practices such as abortion and euthanasia while claiming to be Catholic.

Butker highlighted the need for Catholics to be authentic and unapologetic in their faith, even if it goes against societal norms. He stressed the importance of speaking out against injustice and disorder while still acting with charity. Butker called for a focus on personal vocation and staying true to traditional Catholic values in a world filled with heterodox ideas. He also criticized the lack of leadership among bishops and priests, urging them to prioritize their spiritual responsibilities over personal comfort.

The kicker shared personal anecdotes about his own marriage and family life, emphasizing the importance of embracing one’s vocation and aligning with God’s will. He encouraged women to prioritize their roles as wives and mothers, highlighting the fulfillment found in living out their vocation. Butker called on men to embrace their masculinity and set a positive tone for society by avoiding cultural emasculation. He advocated for the traditional Latin Mass and adherence to sacred traditions as a means of finding order and purpose in life.

Butker urged the graduating class to do the small things well, surround themselves with people who push them to be better, and prioritize their faith in all aspects of life. He emphasized the importance of choosing communities and workplaces that align with Catholic values and support spiritual growth. Despite the challenges they may face in a post-God world, Butker encouraged the graduates to embrace their mission territory and strive for virtue in their vocations. He concluded with a message of hope and faith in the power of God to guide them on their journey to heaven.

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