Donald Trump’s video statement on abortion in April 2024, where he stated that the legalities around the procedure should be up to the states, comes after months of publicly and privately discussing the possibility of a federal abortion ban. Trump’s positions on abortion have been inconsistent over the years, with him holding various stances at different times. From being pro-choice in October 1999 to becoming pro-life in February 2011, Trump’s views on abortion have changed.

In August 2015, Trump expressed divided opinions on defunding Planned Parenthood, stating that he would look at both the good and bad aspects of the organization. However, in February 2016, he said he would defund Planned Parenthood while also acknowledging the positive impact the group has had on women’s health. In March 2016, Trump caused controversy by suggesting that women who seek abortions should face some form of punishment.

By October 2016, Trump vowed to appoint justices to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, which eventually happened in June 2022. Trump credited God for the decision to overturn the landmark ruling and stated that it would bring the issue of abortion back to the states. In November 2022, the Republican Party suffered losses in the midterm elections, which Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell blamed on Trump.

In January 2023, Trump blamed abortion for the GOP’s losses in the midterm elections, specifically citing Republicans’ handling of the issue as a reason for losing voters. In September 2023, Trump made vague promises about finding a consensus on abortion, without providing specifics. In February and March 2024, Trump hinted at supporting a national abortion ban, with reports suggesting he was considering banning abortion at 16 weeks.

However, by April 2024, Trump avoided announcing support for a federal abortion ban and instead stated that the issue should be determined by individual states. In a statement on his Truth Social platform, Trump emphasized that states should decide on abortion laws through voting or legislation, and whatever they decide should be the law of the land. Trump’s evolving positions on abortion reflect the complex and contentious nature of the issue in American politics.

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