The upcoming 2027 European elections campaign in France reflects the political upheavals that have occurred since 2017, when Emmanuel Macron began a process of reconfiguring the political landscape. The main players in the current political scene are Macron’s party Renaissance and the far-right Rassemblement national (RN), led by Marine Le Pen, who has been a dominant figure in French politics despite challenges from traditional left and right parties. The ongoing battle between Macron and Le Pen has overshadowed other political forces, with the media and other political actors unable to disrupt this duopoly.

The political game between Macron and Le Pen has narrowed the political field to two main forces: the “progressive” Macron and the “patriotic” Le Pen, marginalizing other political parties. While there have been attempts by other parties to challenge this dominance, they have largely been unsuccessful in gaining traction. The left bloc, despite a surge in support for Raphaël Glucksmann’s Socialist-Place publique list, remains weak and the Green movement has seen a decline since 2019. The Les Républicains party is struggling to find its place between Macron’s Renaissance and the RN, with Marion Maréchal facing difficulties leading the Reconquête! list.

The RN, led by Marine Le Pen, has emerged as the dominant force in the political landscape, leading in opinion polls and benefiting from the ongoing political reconfiguration that has taken place over the past seven years. Despite concerns over the international situation and the far-right’s affinity towards Russia, the RN has continued to gain popularity by positioning itself against the European Union. Marine Le Pen has adapted her party’s stance by endorsing a more moderate approach, aiming to change the EU from within rather than advocating for withdrawal. This opportunistic strategy has resonated with voters amidst concerns about immigration and identity politics.

In a recent poll by Ipsos for France Télévisions, immigration emerged as the top concern for voters, ahead of climate change and creating a common European defense. This highlights the success of the far-right in tapping into public fears and capitalizing on anti-immigration sentiments, mirroring the rise of far-right movements across Europe. The RN’s continued popularity and ability to adapt to political trends have solidified its position as a major player in French politics, challenging the traditional left and right parties.

As the 2027 European elections approach, the political landscape in France is dominated by the duopoly of Macron’s Renaissance and Le Pen’s RN, with other parties struggling to make an impact. The rise of the far-right in France reflects broader trends across Europe, where identity politics and anti-immigration sentiments have fueled the success of populist parties. Despite challenges and criticisms, the RN’s opportunistic approach and ability to adapt to changing political currents have solidified its position as a leading force in French politics, shaping the upcoming elections and the future trajectory of the country’s political landscape.

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