The sun has been displaying intense solar activity this year, including solar storms creating beautiful northern lights and the largest flare in nearly two decades. This is due to the sun being in its “solar maximum” peak during its 11-year solar cycle, where the frequency and intensity of solar flares are expected to increase throughout the year. Intuitive psychic Elizabeth April explains that these solar flares produce a mass amount of energy that impacts the planet, leading to various effects including technological glitches, stunning aurora borealis displays, and energetic ramifications for humans.

Elizabeth April suggests treating the symptoms of solar flares by paying attention to the Schumann Resonance, the Earth’s natural heartbeat that is impacted by the flares. People may experience physical symptoms such as sickness, headaches, and sleeplessness, as well as emotional effects like anxiety and increased sensitivity. While these symptoms may be challenging, they are seen as part of a purging process that pushes individuals towards ascension and awakening, helping them evolve as conscious beings in the long term.

During solar flares, it is essential to take care of oneself by grounding through activities like breathwork and consuming whole organic foods. Getting enough rest and sleep is also crucial due to the heightened exhaustion that may be experienced during this energetic period. Additionally, manifestation practices are said to be heightened during solar flare activity, as these intense energies open doors for incredible possibilities and allow individuals to anchor their desires into reality.

In astrology, the sun plays a significant role in influencing individual characteristics and behaviors. High solar flare activity can lead to powerful personal shifts, providing an opportunity for individuals to step into themselves and their inner knowing. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of empowerment and self-awareness during this time, as the solar flares encourage introspection and self-discovery. The solar flares are seen as a catalyst for individuals to become their own teachers and to tap into their conscious awareness.

Overall, the intense solar flares that are currently occurring are believed to be a sign of awakening, ascension, and evolution for individuals on Earth. While the symptoms of these flares may be challenging and uncomfortable, they are seen as a necessary part of the process of personal and collective growth. By taking care of oneself, grounding, and tapping into the heightened energies for manifestation, individuals can navigate this intense period with grace and emerge on the other side with greater consciousness and personal power.

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