In the world of conspiracies and misinformation, figures like Joe Biden and his alleged clone, along with plans by the UN to legalize pedophilia, are at the forefront. Influencers such as Rafael Palacios, known as Rafapal, use platforms like Telegram to spread content that ranges from conspiracy theories to anti-feminism and xenophobia. Palacios is a supporter of political leader Luis Pérez, also known as Alvise, who has used the conspiracy world to boost his political career. The link between belief in conspiracy theories and populist thinking has been studied extensively and Alvise has capitalized on this connection to garner support for his political agenda.

A network of channels, websites, podcasts, and social media accounts amplifies the messages and myths surrounding Alvise, without fact-checking the information. Influencers like La Quinta Columna and Canal 5TV have used Alvise’s narratives to push their own agendas, focusing on topics such as vaccines, the Agenda 2030, and the alleged plans of global elites. These platforms have become breeding grounds for conspiracy theories and misinformation, ultimately benefiting Alvise’s rise in the political landscape.

Platforms like Youtube channels, such as La Reunión Secreta (LRS), hosted by Joan Miguel JM, have given Alvise a platform to promote his views, which often revolve around fighting against a corrupt system. Figures like Pedro Baños, a former colonel and geopolitical analyst with a significant following, have also supported Alvise and his mission. Baños delves into esoteric geopolitics, warning about hidden tyrannies and global elites who plan to establish a new world order. While not classified as a conspiracy theorist, Baños’ content aligns with the logic of conspiracy thinking prevalent in the world of Alvise.

Influencers like radio host César Vidal and Youtuber Pedro Buerbaum have also provided platforms for Alvise to spread his message, painting him as a courageous fighter against corruption and the power. Vidal, based in the US, boasts a sizable audience across the Atlantic and has interviewed Alvise multiple times, highlighting his anti-establishment stance. Similarly, Buerbaum’s Worldcast Youtube channel has featured Alvise, giving him a platform to share his views on taking on the powerful and fighting against the status quo. With millions of listeners and subscribers, these platforms have played a significant role in promoting Alvise’s conspiracy-laden narrative.

Despite the outlandish content and conspiracy theories present on these platforms, they attract a large following and have been instrumental in Alvise’s political success. While some may view these channels as marginal, their reach and influence cannot be underestimated. With hundreds of thousands of followers and views, these platforms have provided a fertile ground for Alvise to spread his message and attract supporters, ultimately leading to electoral success. The intersection of conspiracy theories, populism, and misinformation continues to shape political landscapes and influence public opinion in the digital age.

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