The map shows the number of votes each party has obtained in the Catalan regional elections on May 12, municipality by municipality. Viewers can compare these results with the previous election on February 14, 2021 by using the buttons provided. The winning party and the number of votes each party has received are displayed in the map.

The results of the election show that the PSC (Socialist Party of Catalonia) is the overall winner with the most votes. Junts (Together for Catalonia) and ERC (Republican Left of Catalonia) also received significant support from voters. The PP (People’s Party) is another party whose votes are displayed on the map, but they did not achieve as many votes as the other three major parties in Catalonia.

Viewers can compare the results from the 2021 election to the most recent election in 2024 to see how each party has performed in the different municipalities in Catalonia. This allows for a visual representation of the changes in support for each party over time and across different regions within Catalonia.

The map provides a clear visual representation of the distribution of votes for each party in the Catalan regional elections. Viewers can easily see which party has received the most votes in each municipality and compare these results to previous elections to track changes in voter support over time.

The results of the election show that the PSC has gained the most votes overall, indicating that they have broad support across Catalonia. Junts and ERC also have significant support from voters, while the PP received fewer votes in comparison to the other parties. This information can help to understand the political landscape in Catalonia and the preferences of voters in different regions.

Overall, the map provides a comprehensive overview of the results of the Catalan regional elections, showing the number of votes each party has received in each municipality. By comparing these results to previous elections, viewers can track the changes in support for each party over time and see how political preferences have evolved in different regions of Catalonia.

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