After the death of Iranian President Raisi, the focus is predictably on commodity markets. Oil prices have risen to $84.34 per barrel, an increase of more than 1.1% from a week ago. Similarly, the price of gold, a safe haven asset often chosen in times of uncertainty, reached a new record of $2,448 per ounce in the early hours of the morning before settling at $2,440, which is still a very high level. Despite this, the day remains positive for stock markets, with the Ftse Mib in Milan showing a slight decrease of 1.20% due to the technical effects of dividend payouts from some key stocks, without which it would be up by about two tenths of a percentage point.

European markets experienced a moderate increase, while Asian markets saw a slightly more pronounced rise, driven by news of new stimulus measures from the Chinese government to support economic recovery and the resolution of the real estate crisis. There is also excitement surrounding the technology sector, as investors await the quarterly earnings report from American tech giant Nvidia on Wednesday. Nvidia is a leader in artificial intelligence chips, and if its results are positive, especially in terms of future prospects, it could indicate a good year ahead for the entire digital sector.

The death of President Raisi has led to a surge in commodity prices, particularly oil and gold. Oil prices have continued to rise, reaching $84.34 per barrel, while gold prices hit a new record of $2,448 per ounce before stabilizing at $2,440, which is still significantly high. Despite this, stock markets have largely remained positive, with some minor fluctuations due to technical factors such as dividend payouts from certain key stocks. Overall, European markets saw a modest increase, while Asian markets experienced a slightly more pronounced rise driven by news of stimulus measures from the Chinese government and excitement surrounding the technology sector.

The Asian markets are particularly buoyant, supported by news of additional stimulus measures from the Chinese government to boost economic recovery and resolve the real estate crisis. Additionally, investors are eagerly anticipating the quarterly earnings report from Nvidia, a major player in the tech industry. Positive results from Nvidia could signal a prosperous year ahead for the digital sector as a whole. The technology sector is eagerly anticipating Nvidia’s report, as the company’s performance and future prospects could have significant implications for the industry.

Overall, the death of President Raisi has caused a stir in commodity markets, with oil and gold prices experiencing notable increases. Oil prices have risen to $84.34 per barrel, while gold prices reached a new record of $2,448 per ounce before settling at $2,440. Despite this, stock markets have generally remained positive, with European markets seeing a slight increase and Asian markets experiencing a more pronounced rise. Stimulus measures from the Chinese government and the anticipation of Nvidia’s earnings report have contributed to the positive sentiment in the markets, pointing towards a potentially strong year ahead for the technology sector and the digital economy as a whole.

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