The astrology forecast for the week following the new moon in Gemini predicts some reality checks as Mars enters Taurus on the 9th, limiting access to energy to start new things. Power struggles may arise as Mars squares off with Pluto on the 11th and conflicts with communication may occur as Mercury squares off with Saturn on the 12th. However, the Mercury cazimi on the 14th offers a day of clear insights and a reset for communications. It is advised to hold off on important conversations until the weekend.

For Aries, the focus is on sticking to a budget and not giving in to FOMO. The mantra for the week is “Surrender” as the emphasis is on avoiding overspending on things that do not bring joy. Taurus natives are advised to find balance with their newfound energy from Mars entering their sign on the 9th. The mantra for the week is “Simmer” as they are encouraged to not go too hard too fast and to stay cool.

Gemini individuals may be feeling pressure to make sense of everything at once as Mars enters their social sector. The mantra for the week is “Breathe” as they are reminded to take a step back and not rush into decisions. Cancer may feel a renewed sense of creativity as a reset and renewal occur on the 14th. The mantra for the week is “Verve” as they are encouraged to tap into their creative ideas.

Leo individuals are encouraged to focus on their career goals as Mars enters Taurus, providing courage to make necessary changes. The mantra for the week is “Forward” as they are advised to make the cuts needed to progress in their career. Virgo may find themselves in a push-pull situation between their head and heart in relationships. The mantra for the week is “Matter” as compromise is reached with relief on the 14th.

Libra individuals may need to seek alternative funding and ask for help to pursue their big dreams as Mars moves into Taurus on the 9th. The mantra for the week is “Reserve” as they are encouraged to delegate and find support. Scorpio individuals are advised to take care of their health and get into shape as Mars enters Taurus. The mantra for the week is “Sweat” as they are encouraged to prioritize their well-being.

Sagittarius may need to slow down and take rest as Mars enters Taurus, prompting them to focus on home and comfort. The mantra for the week is “Nest” as they are encouraged to relax and rejuvenate. Capricorn individuals may find themselves busy with conversations and moving parts in their daily routine as Mars enters Taurus. The mantra for the week is “Flip” as they are advised to enjoy the moments and look closely at any insights gained from nostalgic moments.

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