Former Trump fixer Michael Cohen is set to take the stand as a key witness in the former president’s hush-money trial. Despite his troubled history with Trump, including felony convictions and prison time, Cohen is expected to offer insights into the dealings at the center of the case. However, Cohen’s credibility is being called into question due to his past lies and criminal activities, including admitting to falsehoods under oath even after pleading guilty. The defense is expected to focus on painting Cohen as a liar with a questionable past, while prosecutors argue that his testimony is corroborated and crucial to the case.

Cohen’s journey from loyalist to foe began when he was brought into Trump’s company after a dispute involving a Trump building where Cohen was a condo board member. Cohen’s role evolved to that of a Trump lawyer and loyal protector, using tactics to mitigate damage to Trump’s reputation. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office is now scrutinizing the hush-money deals orchestrated by Trump and Cohen, specifically focusing on payments made to porn performer Stormy Daniels to keep her allegations about Trump quiet. The trial centers on whether these reimbursements were attempts to cover up illicit actions or legitimate legal work.

As a witness, Cohen faces challenges in maintaining his credibility due to his past denials and admissions of lying under oath. Cohen has acknowledged his past wrongdoings and has been forthright about his blind loyalty to Trump, which led him to cover up questionable deeds. Despite his attempts to reckon with his past, Cohen’s outspoken anti-Trump persona on social media and his podcast raise concerns about his credibility. Prosecutors will need to ensure that Cohen remains focused, honest, and accountable during his testimony to prevent the trial from becoming about his personal animosity towards Trump.

The defense, represented by Trump’s lawyers, highlights Cohen’s history of lying under oath and obsession with Trump as reasons to doubt his testimony. Trump’s lawyers argue that Cohen’s credibility is compromised due to his past actions and statements, making him an unreliable witness. However, prosecutors maintain that even though Cohen has made mistakes in the past, jurors can still believe his testimony. Trump’s repeated violations of a gag order barring him from commenting on the case have also led to fines and contempt charges. The trial is expected to continue with prosecutors focusing on establishing the validity of Cohen’s testimony while the defense tries to undermine his credibility.

Prosecutors may use Cohen’s combative personality and history of confrontational behavior to subtly indicate that he is merely a witness with information, not a collaborator with their team. By addressing Cohen’s problematic past before the defense has a chance to do so, prosecutors can build up his credibility in the eyes of the jury. Despite the challenges and controversies surrounding Cohen, his testimony is crucial in piecing together the case against Trump regarding the hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. The trial highlights the tension between loyalty, truthfulness, and the pursuit of justice as Cohen navigates his role as a star witness in a high-profile legal battle against his former boss.

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