The government is currently facing a delicate moment that is impacting two individuals who, despite not being part of the executive, are key figures in the coalition that has been governing Spain since 2020. Following the judicial ruling detailing former minister José Luis Ábalos’ alleged involvement in a corrupt scheme, the resignation of Íñigo Errejón on Thursday due to accusations of domestic violence on social media has further heightened the crisis. The government initially remained silent after Errejón’s resignation, with only Sumar providing clear explanations, while ministers and leaders privately expressed shock and indignation. The Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo, eventually spoke out against violence against women and expressed confidence in the internal investigation initiated by Sumar to uncover the facts thoroughly.

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez issued a message expressing condemnation for those who undermine equality, support for women facing harassment and abuse, and confidence in President Yolanda Díaz and Sumar for their efforts towards women’s progress. The crisis has deeply affected both socialist and Sumar ministers and leaders, with the scandal acting as a severe blow to the coalition’s integrity and values, particularly in relation to the sensitive issue of domestic violence. The political crisis comes at a critical time during budget negotiations and escalating tensions between Sumar and Podemos, with the latter threatening to block the Budget unless specific demands are met. While some ministers stressed that the issue is party-related rather than governmental, all acknowledged the potential damage to the progressive government’s image, known for its commitment to feminism and combating gender-based violence.

Sumar defended its swift and decisive actions in response to the allegations, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to feminist principles, even before formal complaints were lodged. Despite official statements, there is private acknowledgment within both socialist and Sumar factions regarding the shock and strain caused by the scandal, which poses a significant challenge to the coalition’s reputation. The departure of Errejón, a prominent figure in Spanish left-wing politics, has added to the existing tensions between Sumar and Podemos, raising concerns within the socialist sector about the broader impact on the leftist political space. The rift between Sumar and Podemos has intensified, leading to uncertainties regarding the fate of the Coalition and the ongoing budget negotiations.

The government has been grappling with mounting challenges, including the recent scandal involving Ábalos, adding to the strain on its image and the potential threat to its majority. As negotiations continue for the Budget and tensions rise within the coalition, the government faces the task of navigating the fallout from the scandal and rebuilding public trust. Despite assurances of a stable government, doubts linger within left-wing circles about the administration’s ability to complete its term. The government remains focused on managing the crisis effectively and upholding a zero-tolerance approach, highlighting the swift actions taken in response to the allegations.

The allegations have amplified concerns about the government’s ability to weather the storm and maintain its credibility amidst growing pressures. The uncertainty surrounding the government’s future, coupled with the ongoing budget negotiations, underscores the critical juncture at which the administration finds itself. The Minister of Equality’s firm stance against violence towards women, coupled with Sánchez’s public condemnation of any threats to equality, underscores the government’s commitment to feminist principles and gender equality. The coming days will be crucial to determining the government’s resilience in the face of adversity and its capacity to navigate the challenges ahead, particularly in light of the ongoing tensions within the coalition and the broader political landscape.

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