Rob Lloyd, the chief technology officer for the City of Seattle, has a unique background as a military kid who lived in various states and countries. His diverse experiences have led him to hope that Seattle becomes his permanent home. Lloyd brings significant experience from Silicon Valley, having held high-level positions in cities such as San Jose, California, Avondale, Arizona, and Ashland, Oregon. He is drawn to challenges and is particularly interested in leveraging technology and information to tackle complex issues facing cities like Seattle, including public safety, homelessness, and downtown recovery.

Lloyd sees the role of a City Chief Technology Officer as a complex one involving strategic technology leadership, collaborating with various city departments, engaging with the community, and managing resources effectively. In a city with diverse challenges such as Seattle, the role requires innovative solutions that bridge gaps between different departments and disciplines. Lloyd emphasizes the importance of using technology and information to address these multi-departmental and multi-disciplinary problems effectively.

In addition to leading the city’s technology initiatives, Lloyd is also responsible for overseeing a team of 670 employees and managing a significant operating and capital budget. His work involves engaging with residents on advancing digital equity and privacy, supporting civic technologies, and ensuring affordable connectivity. Lloyd aims to utilize technology and information resources to enable the delivery of exceptional municipal services and enhance the overall quality of life for residents in Seattle.

Looking ahead, Lloyd is keen on implementing innovative tools and software solutions, with artificial intelligence (AI) playing a key role in the city’s plans. He envisions AI being utilized in areas such as language barriers, accessibility, administrative efficiencies, emergency responses, cybersecurity, and more. However, Lloyd highlights the importance of responsible use of AI to ensure that data is handled appropriately and privacy concerns are addressed.

Coming from Silicon Valley, Lloyd sees similarities between Seattle and his previous experiences in terms of tech-savvy communities, high expectations, and a culture of innovation. He believes that Seattle’s rich environment, diverse community partners, and tech companies will enable the city to achieve remarkable results and undertake novel pilot projects that could be game-changing. Lloyd is excited about the potential for collaboration and innovation in Seattle, building on his successful track record in San Jose.

On a personal note, Lloyd describes himself as a family-oriented individual who enjoys hiking, spending time with his daughters, and exploring new technologies. He shares his favorite apps and gadgets, highlighting his interest in reading research articles, LinkedIn, and utilizing technology for everyday tasks. Lloyd’s passion for technology and innovation is evident in his personal and professional pursuits, shaping his approach to tackling challenges and leveraging technology to benefit the community and city of Seattle.

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