A car accident occurred in Subayevler district of Keçiören, Ankara. According to reports, the driver M.A.Y. lost control of the vehicle and collided with the traffic lights on the median.

The car then spun out of control and hit another car driven by S.T. who was waiting for the green light. The impact caused the car to end up on top of the other vehicle, hanging in mid-air. Fortunately, there were no casualties or injuries in the accident.

The authorities are investigating the incident to determine the cause of the driver losing control of the car. The damaged vehicles were removed from the scene and traffic resumed as normal in the area.

Local residents expressed their concern over the safety of the area, as accidents have been happening frequently in the Subayevler district. They are calling for increased measures to prevent further accidents and ensure the safety of both drivers and pedestrians in the area.

Officials have not released any further information about the accident or if any charges will be filed against the driver. They are urging all drivers to pay extra attention and follow traffic regulations to avoid similar incidents in the future.

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