Alice was excited about her 21st birthday and wanted a vintage-style cake for her party. She found a local baker online who promised to recreate the cake she wanted, but when she received the actual cake, it was nothing like what was advertised. The cake was poorly made, with the colors off, the numbers painted roughly, and the shape was completely wrong. The cake fell apart on the drive home, and the inside was extremely hard, making it unsalvageable.

After discovering the terrible state of the cake, Alice reached out to the baker to express her disappointment and demand a refund. The baker initially refused, stating that the refund policy required the cake to be returned on the same day. It wasn’t until Alice’s friend stepped in and complained further that the baker agreed to begin the refund process. Meanwhile, Alice had to scramble to buy a last-minute cake from another baker to salvage her birthday celebration.

The botched cake received widespread criticism online, with many people mocking the baker’s poor attempt at recreating the original cake. Some commenters joked that even a 10-year-old could do a better job, while others compared the cake to something bought from a discount retailer. People pointed out that the original cake design may have been created using AI, as the baker seemed to have no idea what she was doing. As a baker herself, one commenter stated that she would never let a customer leave with such a poorly made cake.

Despite the disappointment and frustration caused by the failed cake, Alice was able to eventually receive a refund from the baker and purchase a replacement cake in time for her birthday party. The incident serves as a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of relying on online vendors, and the importance of vetting a baker’s skills and reputation before placing an order. Ultimately, Alice’s birthday celebration was salvaged, but only after a series of disappointments and setbacks due to the subpar cake provided by the original baker.

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