Antalya, one of the major tourism centers in the world, reached a new record by hosting 11 million 731 thousand 937 visitors in the period between January 1 and August 31, with an increase of 8.28% compared to the same period last year.

Among the visitors, the highest number came from Russia with 2 million 641 thousand 849 people, followed by Germany with 2 million 235 thousand 311 visitors, and the United Kingdom with 1 million 109 thousand 997 tourists.

In August of this year, a 2.65% increase was achieved compared to the same period last year, hosting 2 million 673 thousand 736 tourists. In August, Antalya was visited by 601 thousand 533 tourists from Russia, 465 thousand 72 from Germany, and 235 thousand 641 from the United Kingdom.

Despite facing a challenging season, President of the Mediterranean Touristic Hoteliers and Operators Association Kaan Kavaloğlu stated that as of the first week of September, the number of foreign tourists visiting the city has reached 12 million. Kavaloğlu emphasized an 8% increase compared to last year, mentioning that the average length of stay has decreased by about one day, negatively impacting hotel occupancy rates.

Kavaloğlu mentioned the bankruptcy of FTI, the third largest tour operator in Europe based in Munich, the European Football Championship, and the Paris Olympics as factors contributing to a tough season. He expressed optimism for the month of October, stating that they are expecting an average of 76 thousand tourists in September and have high hopes for October.

He highlighted that the holiday periods in Europe coincide with October and reservations from different countries show a significant demand. Kavaloğlu predicted that October, with its more affordable prices compared to July-August, could be one of the best in recent years. He also pointed out that with suitable weather conditions, the tourism season could extend until the end of November. Events such as the Aviation, Space and Technology Festival selections taking place in Antalya and festivals like Food Fest and the Cultural Way Festival in November play a key role in diversifying tourism.

Kavaloğlu emphasized the importance of Antalya in world tourism and as one of the top three destinations in the Mediterranean region. He mentioned that they are expected to reach 16 million 600 thousand tourists and exceed 17 million including transit passengers. Kavaloğlu stressed the importance of sustainability in everything from employment to the natural environment, as rising costs negatively affect the profitability of the hotel industry.

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