The process of examining the Budget Bill (PLF) is open until mid-December. In the first reading, the deputies have the task of discussing and voting on the first part of the project dedicated to resources and the balance of the PLF. They then have the responsibility to work on and vote on the second part dedicated to the credits of the missions. The parliamentary shuttle leads to the passage of the PLF to the Senate, which must in turn make a decision on the text. In case of disagreement between the two parliamentary chambers, the National Assembly has the final say. After the vote, the Constitutional Council can be seized to urgently decide on the conformity of some of the measures of the PLF with the Constitution. This referral can come from a group of 60 deputies, 60 senators, the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, or the President of one of the two assemblies. The Sages can censor some of the measures, which disappear from the final text.

The Budget Bill (PLF) is a crucial piece of legislation that outlines the government’s revenue and expenditure for the upcoming year. It is debated and voted on by deputies in the National Assembly in two parts: the first part deals with resources and the balance of the budget, while the second part focuses on the credits allocated to different missions. The Senate also plays a role in the process, as they must review and make a decision on the PLF after it has been passed by the National Assembly. In cases where there is a disagreement between the two chambers, the National Assembly has the final say.

If there are any concerns about the constitutionality of certain measures in the PLF, they can be brought to the Constitutional Council for urgent review. This can be initiated by a group of 60 deputies, 60 senators, the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, or the President of one of the two assemblies. The Constitutional Council has the power to censor certain measures if they are found to be unconstitutional, leading to their removal from the final text of the budget. This process ensures that the PLF complies with the principles and guidelines set out in the Constitution.

The Budget Bill is a highly important piece of legislation that determines how government resources will be allocated for the following year. It is a complex process that involves multiple stages of review and voting by both the National Assembly and the Senate. The final text of the PLF must be approved by both chambers of parliament before it becomes law. In case of disagreements or concerns about the constitutionality of certain measures, the Constitutional Council can step in to make a final decision on the matter.

Overall, the process of approving the Budget Bill is a critical part of the government’s fiscal policy and planning. It involves careful consideration of the country’s financial resources and priorities, as well as ensuring that the budget is in line with the Constitution. The involvement of both the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as the oversight of the Constitutional Council, helps to ensure that the PLF is scrutinized and approved in a transparent and democratic manner. This process helps to uphold the principles of good governance and accountability in managing public finances.

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