A long, hot bath is more than just a relaxing ritual; it can have significant benefits for both our physical and mental wellbeing. According to energy healer Sarah St John, our emotions and bodies are interconnected, making it important to find ways to release negative energies from our bodies. Ritual baths can help in this process, with benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety by raising body temperature to regulate circadian rhythms and lower cortisol levels. Bathing can also increase feelings of happiness by releasing neurotransmitters like serotonin and activating the parasympathetic nervous system. In addition, a warm bath can soothe inflammation, improve lung function, and support immunity by increasing blood flow and producing infection-fighting white blood cells.
The University of Freiburg conducted a study on individuals with diagnosed depression, finding that soaking in a bath can help regulate circadian rhythms and reduce stress by raising body temperature. Floating in a bath can also evoke feelings of safety and comfort, similar to being in the womb. In addition to lowering cortisol levels, a warm bath can release endorphins and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, contributing to feelings of calmness and relaxation. Studies have shown that regular baths can lead to a persistent improvement in mood, comparable to the effects of physical exercise.
Physically, a hot bath can aid in relaxation and recovery by increasing blood flow to muscles, reducing stiffness, and improving mobility. The heat from the water helps to relax muscles and boost collagen fiber flexibility. For individuals with chronic lung conditions like asthma, bathing can improve lung function and help with breathing difficulties. The steam from a warm bath can also help alleviate cold symptoms by clearing nasal passages and chest congestion. Additionally, the increase in body temperature during a bath can support the body’s immune system by producing more infection-fighting white blood cells.
To enhance the benefits of a bath, incorporating natural essential oils with germ-fighting properties like eucalyptus, rosemary, and peppermint can further boost the bath’s potency. These oils not only provide a pleasant scent but also have antibacterial properties that can support immunity. Overall, taking the time to indulge in a long, hot soak can have numerous positive effects on both mental and physical health, making it a key component of a self-care routine. Vogue also shares recommendations for products to enhance and supercharge the experience of a healing bath, ensuring a truly luxurious and beneficial experience.