A recent study published in the journal JAMA Network Open found that vigorous physical activity only accounts for 4% of adults’ waking time, while sedentary behavior makes up 60%. However, researchers report that even light physical activity can increase the odds of healthy aging. In addition, adequate sleep has also been linked to improved aging and longevity. The study, which followed 45,176 females from the Nurses Health Study over a 20-year period, found that more vigorous physical activity is associated with increased odds of healthy aging.

The cohort study defined healthy aging as living to at least 70 years old while maintaining four health domains: mental health, physical function, no major chronic diseases, and no impairment in subjective memory. The researchers used an isotemporal substitution model to evaluate the potential impact on healthy aging by replacing one hour of one behavior with an equivalent duration of another. They found that sedentary behavior was associated with reduced odds of healthy aging, while light physical activity increased the odds. The study subjects who replaced time spent watching television with light physical activity, engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity, or got at least seven hours of sleep were all associated with better odds of healthy aging.

The study authors emphasized the importance of promoting active lifestyles for achieving optimal health in older age. With aging being a significant public health issue, identifying modifiable behaviors that can help increase the percentage of older adults achieving healthy aging is crucial. Aging is commonly accompanied by adverse health conditions, including cognitive decline, chronic diseases, psychological disorders, and limitations in physical function. The authors suggested that approaches to achieve healthy aging are urgently needed to reduce the burden on individuals, families, and society.

Experts in the field of aging and longevity stress the importance of combining sufficient sleep with appropriate levels of exercise for overall health and well-being. Promoting more movement and less sedentary time, especially for older adults, can lead to improvements in certain aspects of health and quality of life. Establishing a regular sleep schedule, maintaining a relaxing bedtime routine, creating a conducive sleep environment, and limiting screen time before bed are key recommendations for improving sleep. Incorporating a variety of exercise modalities, such as aerobic, resistance, neuromotor, and mind-body exercises, can provide unique health benefits and may also enhance sleep quality.

Healthcare providers suggest that staying active, connected, eating a healthy diet, and seeking professional help for sleep problems are essential steps in promoting healthy aging. Regular exercise, especially activities that increase heart rate and oxygen levels, can release endorphins that aid in regulating sleep patterns and improving mood. Building strong social ties can contribute to better mental health and support better sleep quality. Engaging in community activities and staying connected with friends and family can enhance overall well-being. In conclusion, a combination of movement, adequate sleep, and social connections play a significant role in healthy aging and longevity.

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