The main points of the reform of beach concessions include the extension of the validity of current concessions until September 2027, the obligation to start the bidding process by June 2027, the duration of the new concessions ranging from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 20 years to ensure that the concessionaire can amortize their investments, the hiring of workers employed in the previous concession who relied on that activity as the main source of income for themselves and their families, compensation for the outgoing concessionaire to be paid by the incoming concessionaire and equal to the value of depreciable assets not yet amortized, and fair remuneration for investments made in the last five years. In evaluating offers, having been the holder of a beach concession as the main source of income for themselves and their families in the five years prior will also be considered.

The European Commission welcomes Italy’s decision on the issue of beach concessions, following constructive exchanges that resulted in a common agreement between the Commission and Italian authorities on the legislative framework for the reform of Italian beach concessions in light of EU law. The solution is comprehensive, open, and non-discriminatory, covering all concessions to be implemented within the next three years. This statement was made by the spokesperson for the European Commission, Johanna Bernsel.

The reform aims to modernize and bring clarity to the beach concession system, ensuring fair treatment for concessionaires and workers while adhering to EU law. The extension of current concessions, the implementation of new concessions, the consideration of previous concession holders in the evaluation process, and the compensation for outgoing concessionaires are all steps towards a more transparent and equitable system. This agreement with the European Commission represents a positive step towards resolving the issues surrounding beach concessions in Italy.

The agreement reached between Italy and the European Commission on beach concessions demonstrates a collaborative effort to find a solution that meets the requirements of EU law while addressing the concerns of stakeholders in the beach concession sector. By ensuring that the reform is complete, open, and non-discriminatory, both parties have worked towards a fair and transparent system that benefits concessionaires, workers, and the broader community. The commitment to implementing the reform within the next three years will help bring stability and clarity to the beach concession sector in Italy.

The provisions of the reform, such as the extension of current concessions, the obligation to start bidding processes by a certain deadline, and the consideration of previous concession holders in the evaluation process, are designed to create a more sustainable and equitable beach concession system. By providing for fair compensation for outgoing concessionaires and ensuring that investments are appropriately valued, the reform aims to protect the interests of both concessionaires and workers while promoting a competitive and efficient market. This comprehensive approach to beach concessions in Italy reflects a commitment to modernizing the sector and ensuring compliance with EU regulations.

Overall, the agreement on beach concessions between Italy and the European Commission represents a significant step towards resolving the issues surrounding beach concessions in Italy. By providing a clear framework for the reform of beach concessions, the agreement aims to modernize the sector, ensure fair treatment for concessionaires and workers, and promote transparency and competitiveness in the market. The commitment to implementing the reform within the next three years demonstrates a strong dedication to addressing the challenges facing the beach concession system in Italy and creating a more sustainable and equitable system for the future.

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