The Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, has stated that he does not plan to resign if the Supreme Court brings charges against him for an alleged crime of revealing secrets by issuing a press release to counteract false information spread by the Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso (PP) against the institution he leads. García Ortiz believes that his actions, now under investigation by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, were necessary and within the bounds of legality. He has received support from various groups, including judges at a recent event in Vigo, which has motivated him to continue in his position.

On March 14th, García Ortiz ordered the release of a press statement to clarify the status of the judicial process against Alberto González Amador, the partner of the president of Madrid, who has confessed to tax fraud. This was in response to false claims made by the Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who had previously publicized an email from the prosecutor handling the case to González Amador’s lawyer offering a plea deal. The information from the government’s side, including the attack on the prosecution for non-existent orders, was published in the media without verification.

Despite the pressure and backlash, García Ortiz stood by his decision and ordered the chief prosecutor of Madrid to release an official statement to address the real facts of the case. This statement provided details about the plea deal offered by González Amador to evade prison time for his tax offenses. The information revealed by the prosecutor’s office exposed the lies spread by the regional government in an attempt to protect a confessed tax evader. The investigation into the leaked email has not focused on identifying who disclosed the information to the government.

The Attorney General took full responsibility for the press release and informed the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid that the case fell under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Despite the potential legal implications, García Ortiz remains committed to defending the rights of the prosecution to counter false information and provide accurate information to the public. If the Supreme Court decides to open a case against him, it would be a precedent-setting situation in the recent democratic history with a sitting Attorney General facing charges.

García Ortiz’s determination to defend his actions and uphold the principles of the prosecution system has garnered support from his inner circle, who affirm that he is prepared to face any legal consequences without stepping down from his position. He views the situation as a test of his commitment to the rule of law and the integrity of the prosecution system. The Attorney General believes that he acted in the best interest of justice and truth, and he would make the same decision again if faced with a similar situation in the future.

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