The article discusses the effects of the alliances between the PP and Vox in various regions of Spain, focusing on the prioritization of certain measures and the redistribution of public funds in budgets where the two parties govern together. The PP has faced backlash from these alliances, especially with Vox, as seen in electoral results and public opinion. The agreements with Vox have led to changes in policy, with a shift towards more extreme positions, such as the repeal of regional memory laws and the questioning of equality measures in education. The influence of Vox has also been seen in budget allocations, with cuts to certain sectors and increases in funding for areas like bullfighting. Despite this, the national leadership of the PP has supported these alliances and the changes they entail.

One of the key areas where Vox has influenced policy is in the treatment of gender violence and the language used around it. Vox has advocated for the use of the term “violence intrafamily” instead of “gender-based violence,” leading to changes in funding for programs supporting victims of gender violence. The alliances with Vox have also resulted in reductions in funding for certain sectors, such as labor mediation, while increasing funding for areas like the promotion of bullfighting. The PP has generally supported these changes, seeing them as necessary for stability in regional governments, despite initial resistance from some leaders, such as in Extremadura. The influence of Vox has also been seen in areas like immigration policy, with a focus on fighting illegal migration and criminalizing organizations that aid in trafficking.

The language and discourse of the PP have been affected by its alliances with Vox, with shifts towards more extreme positions and rhetoric. Vox has pushed the PP towards questioning the legitimacy of the government and proposing the illegalization of independence parties, although they eventually backtracked on this. Leaders like Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Alberto Núñez Feijóo have adopted more confrontational language and criticized progressive policies. The leadership of both parties has echoed sentiments about environmental policies being seen as excessive and taking a stand against what they perceive as “activist dictatorship.” These shifts in language and positions have been noticeable in the rhetoric of both party leaders, reflecting a more radical approach towards certain issues.

Overall, the alliances between the PP and Vox have had significant effects on regional policies and discourse, leading to shifts towards more extreme positions and changes in budget allocations. The influence of Vox has been seen in areas like repealing memory laws, questioning equality measures in education, and changing language around gender violence. Despite initial resistance from some leaders, the PP has generally supported these changes, seeing them as necessary for maintaining stability in regional governments. The language and discourse of the PP have also been affected, reflecting a more confrontational and radical tone.

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