Suzanne Saunders of Wadeville comments on C8’s mention of the Tiffany Blue Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711, which costs $AU2.5 million. She wonders if the watch keeps exceptionally good time or if the expectation is to have an exceptionally good time when spending that much on a watch. Charles Davies-Scourfield of Culburra Beach expresses his frustration with the various alternative terms for the word ‘disembark’ that have become popular in the media. He laments the loss of the original word and the use of alternatives like ‘debark’, ‘deboard’, ‘deplane’, ‘unboard’, and ‘offboard’.

Seppo Ranki of Glenhaven shares a heartwarming story about his grandson Ollie, who lost his wallet while manning a Marine Rescue BBQ at Bunnings. A kind lady found the wallet, completed her shopping, and drove 45 minutes to return it to Ollie in person. This act of kindness restores faith in human nature. Readers also discuss demonyms, with friends in Melbourne being referred to as “Mexicans” because they are south of the border. NSW residents are identified as “Cornstalks” and “Cockroaches,” while Victorians were once called Mudlarks and Tasmanians as ABCs.

Stephanie Edwards of Leichhardt sends a message to conservative politicians endorsing nuclear energy, urging them to pronounce the word correctly as ‘nuclear’ and not ‘nucular.’ Meanwhile, John Kouvelis of Northern Neutral Bay Heights suggests the idea of a government department called MyGen to cater to the post Gen Z generation, following the trend of warm personalization in government services such as MyGov, MyService, MyAgedCare, and MyHealthRecords. These suggestions spark a discussion about contemporary issues and innovations.

Overall, the contributions to C8 showcase a mix of personal anecdotes, linguistic observations, historical tidbits, and suggestions for government services. From reflections on expensive watches to musings on regional nicknames and language pronunciation, readers offer insightful and diverse perspectives. Acts of kindness, like the lady returning Ollie’s lost wallet, provide a heartwarming contrast to discussions on political matters and naming conventions. The variety of topics covered in the C8 section reflects the eclectic interests and opinions of the readership.

By sharing their thoughts on a range of topics, C8 contributors contribute to a lively exchange of ideas and opinions in the community. The reader submissions serve as a platform for personal stories, linguistic analysis, historical references, and societal observations. Through these diverse perspectives, readers engage in thoughtful discussions and bring attention to both everyday occurrences and broader issues. The C8 section of the publication serves as a forum for readers to voice their views, share experiences, and connect with others in the community.

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