Representative Henry Cuellar and his wife, Imelda, were charged with participating in a $600,000 bribery scheme involving Azerbaijan and a Mexican bank. The federal indictment accuses them of bribery, money laundering, and acting as an agent of a foreign entity while Mr. Cuellar was a U.S. government official. Payments made from 2014 to 2021 were laundered through sham consulting contracts and shell companies owned by Mrs. Cuellar. Mr. Cuellar allegedly agreed to influence legislative activity and pressure high-ranking U.S. officials on behalf of the bank.

Mr. Cuellar, a Democrat from Texas, is known for his conservative views and is the only anti-abortion member of his party in the House. The charges against him are similar to those brought against Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey. Despite the indictment, Mr. Cuellar maintained his innocence and said he had cleared his wife’s work with the House Ethics Committee. He also stated that he sought legal advice and tried to meet with federal prosecutors to explain his side of the story, but they declined the meeting. The F.B.I. searched Mr. Cuellar’s home in 2022, but he still won a close primary victory over his challenger.

In response to the charges, Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the minority leader, announced that Mr. Cuellar would take leave from his position as the top Democrat on the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee while he fights the charges. A spokesperson for Mr. Jeffries stated that Mr. Cuellar is entitled to his day in court and the presumption of innocence throughout the legal process. Despite the allegations, Mr. Cuellar expressed his intention to run for re-election and vowed to continue serving the people of South Texas.

The 54-page complaint details the allegations against the Cuellars, accusing them of using front and shell companies to launder payments received from the Mexican bank and an energy company owned by Azerbaijan. Prosecutors claim that Mrs. Cuellar performed little to no legitimate work under the consulting contracts through which the money was funneled. The charges against the couple paint a picture of a years-long scheme to influence U.S. government officials on behalf of foreign interests in exchange for financial gain.

The indictment against Mr. Cuellar is likely to have significant implications for his political career and reputation. As a long-serving representative, he has been a prominent figure in the Democratic Party and has built a reputation as a conservative voice within the party. The allegations of bribery and money laundering could damage his standing among his colleagues and constituents. However, Mr. Cuellar maintains his innocence and asserts that his actions were intended to serve the people of South Texas. As the legal process unfolds, the outcome of the case will determine the future of his political career.

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