A mother of five in Texas found herself facing jail time over library books she borrowed from Navasota Public Library in Grimes County. Despite returning all the books she borrowed, one was too big to fit in the returns box. Court documents revealed she was charged with a $569.50 bill, mostly fines and court fees, along with a city ordinance violation, and was warned of an active warrant for her arrest.

The situation came to light when the mother attempted to renew her driver’s license and was told that there was a warrant out for her arrest. Surprised by this news, she later found out that it was due to two past-due library books. Despite being a stay-at-home mom who homeschools her children, she was instructed to meet with the judge by the local court to address the issue.

During her meeting with the county judge, the mother explained her circumstances, including complications during her pregnancy and returning the books, albeit late due to being on bed rest. However, the judge was unsympathetic and equated the situation to stealing from Walmart. The judge insisted that the warrant would remain until the $600 ticket was paid, preventing her from renewing her driver’s license.

Despite being unaware of the warrant, the judge maintained its validity and warned the mother that she could be arrested if pulled over in Grimes County. Concerned about the impact on her family, she raised funds through GoFundMe to cover the fines and plans to hire a lawyer to clear the incident from her record. The mother received overwhelming support from the community and has not had any further contact from authorities regarding the situation.

Efforts to reach out to the Navasota County judge, the Grimes County judge, and the city manager for Navasota regarding the case have not been successful. The mother remains determined to rectify the situation and ensure that her record is cleared of any implications related to the library books in question. Despite the stress and uncertainty caused by the incident, she has found solace in the support of her community and is committed to resolving the issue through legal means.

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