Hai Vo, a Texas man convicted of aggravated sexual assault, is currently on the run after failing to appear in court for his sentencing. The Travis County District Attorney’s office reported that a jury found Vo guilty after a three-day trial and three hours of deliberation. Despite prosecutors’ request for Vo to be detained after the verdict, the request was denied, and Vo was allowed to remain out of custody. However, Judge Bob Perkins expressed surprise at Vo’s absence during his sentencing, as Vo had previously been present for all court appearances related to the case. Vo was convicted of sexually assaulting a 24-year-old disabled woman, with authorities becoming involved after the victim informed her mother of the assault that took place following a Lunar New Year event in January 2020.

During the church event, Vo offered to take the victim home but instead took her to his residence where the assault occurred. According to an affidavit, Vo took photos of the victim before touching her inappropriately while she was changing clothes and ultimately assaulting her. Despite these allegations, Vo denied the assault when questioned by investigators, claiming that he encouraged the victim to change outfits but did not assault her. The victim’s family has been waiting for justice in this case, and Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza expressed his gratitude for their cooperation and assistance in securing the guilty verdict. He also thanked law enforcement partners for their efforts in helping to achieve the outcome of Vo’s conviction.

The jury sentenced Vo to 10 years for his aggravated sexual assault conviction, but Vo’s disappearance before his sentencing has created concerns about his whereabouts and the potential threat he may pose to the community. The District Attorney’s office voiced worry that defendants facing significant prison time may seek to evade sentencing, especially when they are considered to be flight risks. Authorities are actively searching for Vo, who has failed to report to court as required, raising red flags regarding his intentions and the necessity to locate him promptly. Judge Perkins expressed surprise at Vo’s absence during his sentencing, as Vo had been present for all previous court appearances leading up to the sentencing hearing.

While Vo remains at large, the District Attorney’s office continues to work with law enforcement to locate him and bring him to justice for his crimes. The victim’s family, who played a crucial role in securing Vo’s conviction, is also awaiting closure and the prosecution of Vo for his actions. The sentencing of Vo to 10 years in prison underscores the severity of his crimes and the importance of holding perpetrators of sexual assault accountable for their actions. The collaboration between the District Attorney’s office, law enforcement, and the victim’s family demonstrates a commitment to pursuing justice and ensuring that Vo faces the consequences of his actions.

The case of Hai Vo serves as a reminder of the challenges and complexities involved in prosecuting cases of sexual assault and holding perpetrators accountable for their crimes. The ongoing search for Vo highlights the importance of cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney’s office in locating and apprehending individuals who attempt to evade justice. As the victim’s family continues to wait for closure and justice in this case, efforts to locate Vo remain a top priority for authorities in Travis County. The collaboration between prosecutors, law enforcement, and the victim’s family underscores a commitment to ensuring that justice is served and that victims of sexual assault are supported in their pursuit of accountability for offenders like Vo.

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