A man from Abilene, Texas, who had been arrested in connection to a 1982 cold case after being linked by DNA has died while out on bond awaiting trial. The suspect, 66-year-old Billye Brown, was believed to be involved in the 1982 murder of Susanna Flores Brown and her 8-year-old daughter, Franchesca Antionette Martinez. The victims were found murdered in their home in March 1982, with evidence suggesting both died from strangulation. The investigation had gone cold for 41 years until DNA evidence found in Susanna’s mouth led authorities to Brown. Despite having marital problems and being seen as controlling and abusive, Brown denied involvement in the murders and refused to cooperate with investigators.

The case took a turn when investigators obtained a warrant for a swab of Brown’s DNA in July 2023 and found a match with the DNA found in Susanna’s mouth. Brown was arrested on two charges of murder in October 2023 and was released on a $200,000 bond. However, tragedy struck when Brown passed away on July 27, 2024, while still out on bond awaiting trial. Despite his death, the Abilene Police Department commended the efforts of their officers and investigators who worked diligently to bring charges against Brown. The department emphasized the importance of seeking justice for the victims, providing closure for their families, and ensuring the community remains safe and just for all.

At the time of the double homicide in 1982, investigators found Susanna and Franchesca dead in their home, with signs of strangulation present on both victims. Susanna was found with a lamp cord wrapped around her neck and feces smeared on her, while Franchesca had a phone cord around her neck and part of her body under the bed. Brown claimed to have brought home dinner, eaten with the family, and then found the mother and daughter dead upon his return from work. Despite the suspicious circumstances and allegations of abusive behavior towards Susanna, Brown maintained his innocence and refused to cooperate with requests for DNA testing.

After decades of the case being unresolved, a breakthrough occurred when DNA found in Susanna’s mouth was linked to Brown. Upon being arrested, Brown reportedly made a chilling comment indicating that he believed he had signed his own death warrant. The subsequent charges of murder and his release on bond marked a new development in the long-standing cold case. While Brown’s death while awaiting trial has brought a tragic end to the legal proceedings, the dedication of law enforcement in pursuing justice and providing closure for the victims’ families remains steadfast.

The Abilene Police Department acknowledged the dedication and hard work of its officers and investigators in the cold case, emphasizing their commitment to justice and the values of the department. Despite the challenging circumstances surrounding Brown’s death while the case was ongoing, the department highlighted its ongoing efforts to seek justice for the victims and support those affected by the tragedy. By continuing to strive for a safe and just community, the department aims to honor the memory of Susanna and Franchesca while ensuring that their legacy is one of justice and closure for their loved ones. Although the case may have reached an unexpected and untimely conclusion with Brown’s passing, the focus on seeking justice and providing support to those impacted by the tragedy remains unwavering.

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