The border just south of El Paso has seen a significant increase in migrants arriving daily through overloaded freight trains on a line known as “The Beast.” This surge in illegal crossings has prompted Texas National Guard soldiers to be armed with non-lethal pepperball ammo to deter individuals from attempting to sneak over at fortified areas around points of entry. Additional reinforcements are being called in to address the spike in illegal border crossings.

According to a National Guard source, the soldiers have been armed with “thousands” of pepper balls to address the issue at hand. The source also indicated that more troops are being called in as reinforcements to help manage the situation. A train arrived in Juarez with hundreds of migrants looking to cross into El Paso illegally or seeking shelter before attempting to cross through the Rio Grande River. It is important to note that crossing the border outside of designated points of entry is not only illegal but also dangerous.

While migrant seeking asylum are supposed to wait for an appointment with the Department of Homeland Security to enter the country through the CBP One app, the Biden administration’s policies have been criticized for not enforcing these rules. Migrants refer to the trains bringing them to the border as “La Bestia” or The Beast, due to the risks associated with clinging onto the sides or riding its roof during the journey. Texas has taken measures to equip soldiers and state troopers with pepperball guns and other tools to address large groups of migrants attempting to cross the border illegally.

A situation occurred on March 21, where hundreds of migrants stormed an area at a crossing known as Gate 36 in El Paso, resulting in the tearing down of the state’s concertina barrier and clashes with National Guard members. Following the incident, Texas charged over 200 people with rioting and nine alleged ringleaders with more severe charges. The state has since increased law enforcement presence in the area, deploying additional troops and adding fencing to prevent further incursions.

Reports of violence and criminal activity in the region have added to the challenges faced at the border. Cartels have been battling for smuggling routes between Chihuahua City and Juarez, resulting in the discovery of bodies of individuals slaughtered by a gang along popular migrant routes. In a separate incident, a soldier supporting Texas’ efforts shot a migrant while responding to a stabbing involving illegal border-crossers. Mexican authorities also intercepted a trailer filled with 131 migrants believed to be heading towards the US border, highlighting the complex nature of the situation in the region.

The Texas Military Department, including the state’s National Guard, has not responded to requests for comments on the ongoing situation at the border. As officials continue to address the rise in illegal border crossings, the need for effective measures to secure the border and ensure the safety of both migrants and law enforcement personnel remains a top priority. The situation at the border continues to evolve, with ongoing challenges posed by criminal organizations, overcrowded trains, and increasing tensions between migrants and law enforcement.

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