Police forces from the Terrorism and Organized Crime Unit, Smuggling and Organized Crime Unit, and Intelligence Unit of the Provincial Security Directorate conducted operations at the addresses of individuals identified as members of the PKK/KCK and as engaging in terrorist propaganda.

During the searches at the addresses, officers seized unlicensed pistols, digital materials, correspondence containing criminal elements, and documents related to tax evasion.

O.S, V.Ş, A.K, B.K, N.K, Ö.B, E.D, T.D, M.K, İ.B, İ.B, and S.Y were taken into custody, and their processing at the police station is ongoing.

The police actions were part of the continued efforts to combat terrorism and organized crime, with a focus on cracking down on individuals involved in activities related to and supporting terrorist organizations.

The suspects will likely face charges related to their alleged membership in the PKK/KCK terrorist group and their dissemination of propaganda in support of the organization.

The investigation and legal proceedings against the arrested individuals are being actively pursued by the authorities to ensure that those responsible for crimes related to terrorism and organized crime are brought to justice.

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