Rayis Nibeel, a 17-year-old, was sentenced to 20 years in jail for the September 2023 stabbing of Omar Khan in Luton, Beds. Nibeel owned 39 hunting knives, 15 machetes, and 12 swords, which he purchased from online shop DNA Leisure. The shop, run by Adam Eliaz, had previously sold weapons to other teenage killers. Omar Khan, a 38-year-old, was murdered in the incident, and Nibeel set up an account in his mother’s name to purchase the weapons worth £1,200. He sold some of the weapons, and they have not been recovered. Another boy, Ronan Kanda, was murdered with a sword purchased from DNA Leisure in 2022 by another teenager using his mother’s name, Prabjeet Veadhesa.

The killing of Omar Khan was a case of mistaken identity and highlighted the ease with which underage individuals can access weapons online. DNA Leisure’s website still featured various weapons for sale, with chilling names like Predator and Rambo. Detective Inspector Justine Jenkins expressed surprise at the fact that such weapons could be sent through the post. During the sentencing of Nibeel and another murderer, Umer Choudhury, Mrs. Justice Foster noted that Nibeel had no legitimate use for the 79 knives he had purchased from DNA Leisure. She accused Nibeel of selling weapons to make extra money and arming himself due to his involvement in drug dealing.

Prabjeet Veadhesa, the teenager who used his mother’s name to buy weapons from DNA Leisure that were used in the murder of Ronan Kanda, received a life sentence with a minimum of 18 years. The judge, Mr. Justice Akhlaq Choudhury, expressed concern over how a 16-year-old could easily purchase such items online. It was reported that Post Office staff did not check the ID of the murderer when he received the weapons. A man claiming to be Adam Eliaz’s father stated that he had moved to Canada three years ago and defended the sale of weapons by comparing it to the dangers of cars. Eliaz maintained that DNA Leisure complied with all UK legislation regarding the sales of bladed articles and age verification.

The incident where Rayis Nibeel murdered Omar Khan with a knife highlighted the issue of underage individuals accessing weapons and the consequences that followed due to the ease of purchasing weapons online. The case also brought attention to the responsibility of companies like DNA Leisure in preventing such tragedies by selling weapons to underage individuals. The sentencing of Nibeel and his accomplice, Umer Choudhury, for the murder was a reminder of the devastating impact of weapon-related crimes in society and the need for stricter regulations to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The murders committed by teenagers using weapons purchased from DNA Leisure underscored the dangers of allowing easy access to such deadly tools. The fact that weapons like knives, machetes, and swords were readily available online raised concerns about the lack of accountability in the sale of such items. The involvement of underage individuals in these crimes highlighted the urgent need for stronger measures to regulate the sale of weapons and prevent tragedies like the ones that occurred in Luton and Wolverhampton. The devastating consequences of weapon-related crimes on families and communities call for a concerted effort to address the issue and prevent further loss of life due to irresponsible weapon sales.

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