The ACT’s integrity commissioner has launched an investigation into former Queensland Supreme Court judge Walter Sofronoff, KC, who chaired the inquiry into the conduct of the abandoned rape trial of former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann last year. Sofronoff generated controversy after he leaked copies of his findings to The Australian and ABC before handing the report to the ACT government in July. The territory’s Integrity Commission is now investigating allegations of corruption regarding Sofronoff’s actions, which may have breached legislation governing public inquiries and constituted corrupt conduct under the ACT’s Integrity Commission Act. The commissioner suspects, on reasonable grounds, that Sofronoff’s conduct may have been corrupt and has decided to begin a formal investigation.

The investigation into Sofronoff’s actions comes after concerns were raised about the leaking of the final report of the Lehrmann trial probe. The leaks to The Australian and ABC raised questions about the integrity of the inquiry process and whether proper procedures were followed. Sofronoff’s decision to send copies of the report to the media before submitting it to the ACT government has prompted the integrity commissioner to examine whether his actions were in violation of the legislation governing public inquiries and constituted corrupt conduct. The investigation will seek to determine the extent of Sofronoff’s involvement in the leaks and assess any potential impact on the integrity of the inquiry.

The integrity commissioner’s decision to launch an investigation into Sofronoff’s conduct indicates a serious concern about potential corruption in the handling of the Lehrmann trial probe. By leaking copies of the final report to the media before submitting it to the ACT government, Sofronoff may have compromised the integrity of the inquiry and undermined public trust in the process. The investigation will aim to uncover the extent of Sofronoff’s involvement in the leaks and assess the impact of his actions on the overall credibility of the inquiry. The commissioner’s decision to investigate Sofronoff reflects a commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in public inquiries and holding those responsible for corrupt conduct accountable.

Comment has been sought from Sofronoff regarding the investigation into his actions. It is important for all parties involved in the inquiry process to cooperate fully with the integrity commission’s investigation and provide any relevant information or evidence to assist in the inquiry. Sofronoff will have the opportunity to respond to the allegations and provide his perspective on the events surrounding the leaking of the final report. The investigation will seek to ensure that all relevant facts are considered and that any potential instances of corruption or breaches of legislation are thoroughly examined and addressed in a transparent and accountable manner.

The integrity commissioner’s decision to investigate Sofronoff’s conduct underscores the importance of upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in public inquiries. Any allegations of corruption or breaches of legislation must be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated to ensure that public trust in the integrity of the inquiry process is maintained. The investigation into Sofronoff’s actions will provide an opportunity to assess the impact of the leaks on the overall credibility of the Lehrmann trial probe and determine whether any corrective action is necessary to address any potential lapses in the handling of the inquiry. Upholding integrity and accountability in public inquiries is essential to ensuring the public’s confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the process.

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