Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin welcomed Kamala Harris at a campaign rally, indicating the excitement Democrats are feeling. Baldwin needs to rely on some ticket-splitters to win in a battleground state like Wisconsin. Despite already polling better than Biden, she will need to maintain her advantage as her Republican opponent, Eric Hovde, becomes better known. Hovde is a wealthy bank CEO with ties to California, but also has millions of his own money to spend on the campaign. Propelling Baldwin’s campaign is her ability to harness the base while reaching beyond it, a skill she honed during her 2018 reelection race.

The Republican challenger, Eric Hovde, is trying to catch up to Trump’s poll numbers by nationalizing the race and tying Baldwin to the administration, particularly focusing on her affiliation with Harris. He has already poured $13 million of his own money into the campaign, and is pushing back against Baldwin’s attacks by highlighting his Wisconsin roots in his own ads. A Fox News poll shows Baldwin leading Hovde among registered Wisconsin voters, but there is still indecision among some GOP voters who are undecided about the Senate race.

Baldwin has been defining Hovde before he can define himself, going after his California connections and attacking him for controversial comments. Hovde, on the other hand, is trying to consolidate the GOP base and is emphasizing his commitment to Wisconsin in his campaign ads. At a recent parade in Wisconsin, voters expressed mixed opinions about the candidates, with some undecided voters being an opportunity for Baldwin to potentially sway them. Baldwin’s strategy is to reach these voters with a combination of friendliness and acknowledgment of their concerns.

The Democratic Party is feeling unprecedented enthusiasm in Wisconsin, with local party chairs reporting increased volunteerism and donations. William Garcia, the Democratic Party chair for Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District, believes that the enthusiasm for Harris as the presidential nominee could trickle down to benefit down-ballot candidates like Baldwin. While some voters express concerns about the tone of attack ads in the campaign, others see the strength and experience Harris brings to the ticket as a positive factor.

Overall, the Senate race in Wisconsin remains competitive, with both candidates working to define themselves and each other to gain crucial support. Baldwin’s challenge will be to maintain her advantage as Hovde becomes more known to voters in the state. Harris’ selection as the vice-presidential nominee has injected new energy and excitement into the race, with both candidates vying for support from undecided voters and their respective bases as the campaign progresses. The outcome of this closely watched race could have implications for the balance of power in the Senate and the overall political landscape in Wisconsin.

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