Dr. Michael Mosley, a renowned diet expert known for his 5:2 and Fast 800 eating plans, has recently revealed that he now takes a daily Vitamin D supplement to prevent diseases like dementia and reduce the risk of colon cancer. He highlighted the importance of this vitamin, especially for older individuals, as the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin D diminishes with age. Although he previously relied on sunlight and diet for his Vitamin D intake, he now takes the supplement year-round to ensure optimal levels. The cost-effective supplement, available for as little as 2 pence per day, is recommended by the NHS for its numerous health benefits.

The 66-year-old doctor emphasized the necessity of Vitamin D supplementation as studies have shown that aging affects the body’s ability to absorb this essential nutrient. With research suggesting that Vitamin D plays a crucial role in preventing diseases like cancer and promoting brain health, Dr. Mosley believes that higher doses than those routinely recommended may be necessary to achieve these benefits. He mentioned that while the NHS guidelines recommend a certain daily dosage, he personally opts for a slightly higher amount within safe levels to potentially ward off infections, cancers, and dementia. Vitamin D is known to support bone health by aiding in calcium absorption, and recent findings indicate broader health benefits due to the presence of Vitamin D receptors in nearly all cells.

Acknowledging that his diet includes sources rich in Vitamin D like oily fish and eggs, Dr. Michael Mosley stated that he also spends time outdoors for walks to ensure sunlight exposure. However, he highlighted factors such as aging, decreased ability to convert sunlight into Vitamin D, and spending more time indoors that contribute to Vitamin D deficiency in older individuals, particularly those with darker skin. Given these challenges, he recommended supplementing with Vitamin D and following the advice provided by health authorities on the appropriate dosage. The doctor emphasized the importance of maintaining optimal Vitamin D levels to support overall health and potentially safeguard against various diseases, including cancer and dementia.

Dr. Mosley referenced recent studies, including one published in the journal Science, which showed that Vitamin D supplementation at higher doses could enhance gut bacteria associated with preventing bowel cancers. This finding underscores the potential role of Vitamin D in cancer prevention beyond its known benefits for bone health. As research continues to reveal the multifaceted functions of Vitamin D within the body, experts like Dr. Mosley advocate for prudent supplementation, especially for older individuals who may face challenges in obtaining sufficient Vitamin D from diet and sunlight exposure alone. By incorporating Vitamin D supplements into his daily routine, Dr. Mosley aims to optimize his health and reduce the risk of age-related diseases that are increasingly prevalent in the elderly population.

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