supposed extremists or the political opposition. Repressions against Central Asians have already begun: the alleged brutal treatment of the suspects is only the tip of the iceberg. Xenophobia and racism continue to increase, causing anxiety and fear among the Central Asian community living in Russia. The negative portrayal of Tajik and other Central Asian citizens in the media further exacerbates the situation. The economic implications of this situation are significant, as remittances from migrant workers make up a considerable portion of Tajikistan’s GDP.

The aftermath of the Moscow shooting has highlighted the fragile situation for Central Asian migrants in Russia. The use of torture and repressions by Russian authorities against the suspects has drawn international condemnation, with the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights calling it “unacceptable.” The alleged abuse of the suspects could lead to false confessions and has sparked fears of increased racism and xenophobia in the region. Central Asians in Russia are facing heightened discrimination and scrutiny in the wake of the terrorist attack, with reports of xenophobic incidents and mass departures from the country.

The Moscow shooting is likely to be used as a justification for further repression and discrimination against Central Asian migrants in Russia. Calls for reinstating the death penalty have already been made, raising concerns about the potential impact on peaceful individuals and political dissidents. The negative portrayal of Tajik and other Central Asian citizens in the media is fueling xenophobia and racism, creating a hostile environment for the migrant community. The economic consequences of this situation are significant, as remittances from migrant workers play a crucial role in Tajikistan’s economy.

It is crucial to support independent journalism in Ukraine to shed light on the issues faced by Central Asian migrants in Russia. By joining the fight for human rights and standing against torture and repression, individuals can make a difference in addressing the challenges faced by the migrant community. The international community must continue to condemn human rights violations and work towards creating a safe and inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of their background or nationality. By raising awareness and advocating for justice, we can strive towards a more equitable and compassionate society for everyone.

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