The Red Pavilion will be hosting an art exhibit featuring artwork and writing from survivors of sexual violence. The event, known as Celebrations of Survivorship, will take place at Riverside Park on Friday. Survivors will share their stories through their artistic expressions, highlighting their resilience. Cindy McMann, a public educator for Guelph Wellington Women in Crisis (GWWC), believes that this event will raise awareness about domestic violence in the community, shedding light on the issue and supporting survivors. This event is part of the activities held in May for Sexual Violence Prevention Month, aiming to bring attention to sexual violence and provide support for survivors.

Statistics show that there has been an 18% annual increase in reported sexual assaults in Ontario since 2016, with only six per cent of cases being reported to the police in Canada. McMann emphasizes that the art exhibit will give survivors the opportunity to regain control over their own stories. Through art, individuals can process their experiences, express their feelings, and reflect on how they have overcome their challenges. McMann mentions that every submission was accepted for the exhibit, as they wanted to ensure that everyone’s expressions were valued and provided a platform for all survivors to showcase their artwork.

The event will also include poetry readings, information tables, and activities with local organizations that support victims of sexual violence. McMann encourages individuals who have experienced sexual violence to know that they are not alone in their journey. Many clients use art as a tool to process their traumas and express their emotions, both about their experiences and their resilience in overcoming them. The goal is for attendees to walk away from the event with a sense of hope and the knowledge that there is a way forward. The event is free to attend and will run from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., providing a safe space for survivors to share their stories and for community members to show their support.

Overall, the Celebrations of Survivorship event aims to highlight the strength and resilience of survivors of sexual violence through art and writing. By providing a platform for survivors to share their stories, the event contributes to raising awareness about domestic violence in the community. Through artistic expressions, individuals can process their experiences, regain control over their narratives, and showcase their journey of overcoming challenges. Attendees can participate in poetry readings and engage with local organizations that support victims of sexual violence, offering a space for healing and empowerment. Ultimately, the event seeks to inspire hope and encourage individuals to recognize that there is support available for survivors of sexual violence.

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