The recent death of OJ Simpson has brought up a range of emotions for Americans, with a majority associating him with the infamous 1995 murder trial in which he was acquitted for the killing of his ex-wife and her friend. Only 17% of respondents to a recent poll said they would remember Simpson for his 11-season career with the NFL, while an even smaller percentage of 6% connected him to his acting career, which peaked with a guest spot in “Naked Gun” in 1988. Approximately 11% of respondents were unsure of how to remember the disgraced celebrity.

The murder trial in which Simpson was acquitted continues to divide opinions, with the families of the victims, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, maintaining that he was guilty of the crime. Despite being found not guilty in the criminal trial, Simpson was ordered to pay the victims’ families $33 million in a civil judgment in 1997. The Goldmans’ attorney claimed that this amount had ballooned to $100 million by the time of Simpson’s death. The families of the victims expressed complex emotions upon hearing the news of Simpson’s passing, acknowledging that the journey through grief is not linear.

According to a 2024 YouGov poll, about 61% of US adults believed that Simpson was the real killer, based on evidence and the history of abuse he subjected Brown to even after their divorce in 1992. However, 28% of respondents were unconvinced of his guilt, and 11% maintained that he was not guilty. The truth about the murders of Brown and Goldman remains a divisive issue for many Americans, highlighting the lasting impact of the case on the public consciousness.

Alan Dershowitz, one of Simpson’s defense lawyers during the murder trial, expressed sadness over the former NFL player’s death, noting that Simpson was very ill in his final days. Dershowitz, who was part of the “Dream Team” of defense lawyers, acknowledged the racial divisions that the trial brought to light, calling it one of the most divisive in American history along racial lines. Despite his involvement in Simpson’s defense, Dershowitz expressed sympathy for the Brown and Goldman families, stating that he would have represented them if given the opportunity.

The responses to OJ Simpson’s death reflect the complicated legacy he leaves behind, with many Americans continuing to grapple with their memories and opinions of the former NFL player. While some remember Simpson for his athletic achievements and acting career, the majority associate him with the murder trial that captivated the nation in the mid-1990s. The families of the victims continue to seek justice and accountability for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, underscoring the long-lasting impact of the case on those directly affected by the tragedy. Overall, Simpson’s passing has sparked a range of emotions and reflections on his life, leaving a complex legacy that is still being debated and discussed by the American public.

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