The beginning of April has been marked by heavy rains during Holy Week and the recovery of reservoirs in Spain, but a surprising fact has gone unnoticed: March was a warm month despite cold temperatures at the beginning and end. The first quarter of 2024 has been the warmest on record for the Iberian Peninsula, with temperatures 1.9 degrees above normal. As anticyclonic conditions return, temperatures are expected to rise significantly, with some areas experiencing temperatures 10 degrees above normal.

As the remnants of the storm Nelson passed on Monday, temperatures began to rise and are expected to continue climbing in the coming days, reaching unusually high levels for the season. By Thursday, temperatures are forecasted to be high, with some areas in the Cantabrian region, Ebro Valley, and southern Spain reaching and surpassing 30 degrees, more than 10 degrees above normal. Even on Sunday, when temperatures are expected to drop slightly overall, they will still rise in the Mediterranean region.

The anticyclonic weather pattern also means a lack of rain, although there may be some isolated showers in the Pyrenees due to convective clouds. Temperatures will be higher than the previous day, reaching over 18-20 degrees in the east and south of the Peninsula, and over 23-24 degrees along the Mediterranean coast. As temperature stability continues on Thursday, with clear skies and minimal cloud cover, only the western part of Galicia may experience some rain. Temperatures are expected to rise by 4-5 degrees compared to the previous day, with some areas exceeding 18-20 degrees in most parts of the country.

Friday will bring more stable weather, with rain only expected in western Galicia. Temperatures will rise further, with some areas reaching 22-24 degrees, and even 27-29 degrees in the Cantabrian region, Ebro Valley, southern Extremadura, and interior Andalusia. Temperatures may even reach 30 degrees in cities like Badajoz, Jaén, Sevilla, and Murcia. These temperatures will be 5-10 degrees above normal for this time of year across the country.

After a couple of warm days in early April, temperatures are expected to decrease slightly on Saturday in some western parts of the Peninsula, while rising in other areas. Temperatures in the Balearic Islands may reach 28-30 degrees, and over 25 degrees in many parts of the Peninsula, with some areas exceeding 30 degrees. The week will end with temperatures remaining 5-10 degrees above normal for most of the country.

A front will bring rain to the northwest of the Peninsula, and on Sunday, it will move southward, bringing rain to areas like Cantabria, Navarra, and parts of Castilla y León. Temperatures will drop significantly in the interior, while still remaining warm in the Levante region. The following week is expected to begin with more rainfall in the west and north of the Peninsula, leading to a further decrease in temperatures. In the Canary Islands, stable weather will be interrupted by a front bringing rain to the northern mountainous regions on Saturday, with temperatures dropping slightly. On Sunday, more rain is expected in the same areas, accompanied by a further decrease in temperatures.

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