A North Dakota ballot initiative group, The New Economic Frontier, has been given permission to collect signatures in order to put a proposal legalizing recreational marijuana to a statewide vote in the fall. The group must gather 15,582 valid signatures by July 8 to make the November general election ballot. The initiative, led by Steve Bakken, a former Bismarck mayor, outlines regulations for the production and processing of marijuana, prohibited uses, and home cultivation of plants. Bakken emphasized the need to direct law enforcement resources towards combating more dangerous drugs like fentanyl.

Criminal defense attorney Mark Friese, another backer of the measure, highlighted the strain on law enforcement resources caused by marijuana-related arrests. He argued that marijuana use is less harmful than alcohol consumption and that law enforcement efforts should focus on combating the current mental health and drug crisis in the community. The measure proposes setting maximum purchase and possession limits for marijuana products, and it differentiates penalties based on the amount of marijuana involved in the offense. In 2023, over 4,000 people in North Dakota were charged with ingestion or possession of marijuana.

Despite previous failed attempts to legalize recreational marijuana in North Dakota, the backers of the current initiative remain hopeful that this effort will succeed. Republican Senator Janne Myrdal, however, expressed strong opposition to the legalization of recreational marijuana, citing concerns about the negative impact of illicit drugs on society. Myrdal’s stance reflects a broader conservative perspective in the state that views marijuana legalization as a step in the wrong direction. North Dakota voters had previously approved of medical marijuana in 2016, leading to the establishment of a state-administered program with nearly 10,000 active patient cards.

In addition to the North Dakota initiative, other states are also engaged in efforts to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use. Ohio recently legalized marijuana through a ballot initiative, and Florida voters will have the opportunity to decide on a similar measure in November. Signature-gathering efforts for legalization are underway in states like Arkansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota. These legalization efforts reflect a broader national trend towards increased acceptance and legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes. As the debate over marijuana legalization continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether North Dakota and other states will ultimately embrace the full legalization of recreational marijuana.

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