German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano expressed support for President Volodymyr Zelensky’s legitimacy, stating that he is the rightful and legitimate president of Ukraine despite critics and Russian propagandists questioning his rule. Zelensky’s five-year term expired on May 20, but elections have been suspended due to martial law, making it impossible to organize new elections. Under Ukrainian law, elections during martial law are forbidden, and constitutional lawyers have determined that the extension of Zelensky’s term under these conditions is legal. Baerbock also criticized Russian officials for questioning Zelensky’s legitimacy, pointing out that the same individuals who started the war in Ukraine are now claiming he is illegitimate because he was not re-elected.

President Volodymyr Zelensky was supposed to end his term in office on May 20, 2024, but due to the ongoing conflict with Russia, the elections have been delayed, resulting in his term appearing to be indefinite. The President’s Office in Ukraine is preparing to face criticism regarding Zelensky’s legitimacy as president under these circumstances. Despite the delays in holding elections, it is clear that Zelensky is the rightful president of Ukraine, as affirmed by German Foreign Minister Baerbock and European Commission spokesperson Stano. The situation has raised concerns about Russia’s intentions, with fears that the country may attempt to use the uncertainty surrounding Zelensky’s term to its advantage.

The extension of President Zelensky’s term has sparked debate and raised questions about the legality and legitimacy of his continued presidency. While Ukrainian law prohibits elections during martial law, critics and Russian propagandists have seized on this issue as a way to undermine Zelensky’s position. However, international allies such as Germany and the European Union have reaffirmed their support for Zelensky, emphasizing that he is the rightful leader of Ukraine. Despite the challenges and uncertainties surrounding his extended term, Zelensky remains determined to fulfill his responsibilities as president and navigate the complexities of the ongoing conflict with Russia.

The conflict with Russia has had a significant impact on Ukraine’s political landscape, leading to delays in holding elections and extending President Zelensky’s term. The President’s Office is facing criticism and scrutiny from various quarters, but Zelensky remains committed to leading the country through these challenging times. The international community’s support for his legitimacy as president is crucial in countering attempts to delegitimize his rule. As Ukraine continues to navigate the complexities of its relationship with Russia and address ongoing security concerns, Zelensky’s leadership and determination remain essential in ensuring stability and progress for the country.

The situation in Ukraine underscores the importance of upholding democratic principles and respecting the rule of law, even in the face of external threats and challenges. President Zelensky’s continued tenure is a testament to the resilience of Ukraine’s democratic institutions and the determination of its people to defend their sovereignty and independence. Despite the obstacles and criticisms he faces, Zelensky remains focused on fulfilling his duties as president and safeguarding Ukraine’s interests. The support of Germany, the European Union, and other allies is vital in reinforcing Ukraine’s legitimacy and defending its right to self-determination in the face of external pressure.

As Ukraine grapples with the implications of President Zelensky’s extended term and the ongoing conflict with Russia, the need for solidarity and support from the international community is more important than ever. By standing with Ukraine and endorsing Zelensky’s legitimacy as president, countries like Germany and the EU are sending a clear message of support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic values. The challenges ahead may be daunting, but with leadership, determination, and unity, Ukraine can overcome them and build a more stable and prosperous future for its citizens.

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