Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş commented on a video circulating on social media showing an autistic child being excluded from their kindergarten graduation ceremony in Istanbul. Göktaş stated that she had spoken with the child’s mother on the phone and assured her that they will always be there to provide any support they may need. She emphasized that they believe in the shared responsibility of all members of society and that when it comes to children, there is no greater interest to protect than theirs.

Göktaş condemned the discrimination faced by the child and their family, declaring their full support for them. She emphasized the importance of developing a sense of responsibility and social awareness towards disabled individuals, who are integral and indispensable parts of society. Göktaş expressed her hope that the incident of exclusion would serve as a catalyst for a deeper understanding and empathy towards individuals with disabilities in the community.

The video of the autistic child being excluded from the graduation ceremony sparked outrage on social media, with many expressing their support for the child and their family. Various comments criticized the school for its discriminatory actions and called for greater inclusivity and acceptance of children with disabilities in educational settings. The incident highlighted the ongoing challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in accessing equal opportunities and being fully integrated into society.

Göktaş’s statement on the incident reaffirmed the government’s commitment to supporting individuals with disabilities and ensuring their rights are upheld. She stressed the need for a collective effort to create a society where all individuals are valued and included, regardless of their abilities. Göktaş’s words resonated with many who believe in the importance of standing up against discrimination and advocating for the rights of vulnerable populations.

The incident served as a reminder of the importance of promoting inclusion and understanding towards individuals with disabilities in all aspects of society. It underscored the need for greater awareness and education on disability rights and the value of diversity. Göktaş’s response to the incident signals a commitment to addressing issues of discrimination and exclusion faced by individuals with disabilities and working towards a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

In conclusion, the incident involving the exclusion of an autistic child from their graduation ceremony in Istanbul has sparked a conversation about the importance of inclusivity and acceptance of individuals with disabilities. Minister Göktaş’s statement condemning the discrimination faced by the child and their family reflects a commitment to promoting the rights and well-being of individuals with disabilities. The incident serves as a call to action for greater awareness, empathy, and support towards individuals with disabilities in society.

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