Unfortunately, as of Tuesday, August 20, the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable. The team is working to restore it, so please try again later. In the meantime, readers can check out the new digital version of the popular nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. The challenge is to find as many words as possible and discover the Target word in the shortest amount of time. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to play and share their results.

Readers looking for the engaging and challenging Superquiz feature will have to wait until it is back up and running. The team is working hard to bring back this beloved puzzle feature, so be sure to check back later to test your knowledge and skills. In the meantime, readers can try out the new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. This new version allows players to see how many words they can find and how quickly they can discover the Target word.

Superquiz enthusiasts will have to wait for the feature to be restored in the future. The team is putting in efforts to bring back this popular puzzle, so readers should stay tuned for updates on when it will be available again. While waiting for Superquiz to return, readers can try out the digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. This new version offers a fun challenge for players to find as many words as possible and uncover the Target word in record time.

The Superquiz feature is currently unavailable as of Tuesday, August 20, as the team works to restore it. Readers are encouraged to check back later for updates on when the feature will be back up and running. In the meantime, readers can enjoy the new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. Players can test their skills and see how quickly they can find words and discover the Target word.

Apologies for the inconvenience, but the Superquiz feature is currently down and unavailable. The team is working on restoring it, so readers are encouraged to check back later for updates. While waiting for Superquiz to return, readers can try out the new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. This version offers a new challenge for players to find words and uncover the Target word in a quick and engaging way.

In conclusion, the Superquiz feature is temporarily unavailable, but efforts are being made to restore it. Readers can look forward to its return in the future, and updates will be provided on when it will be available again. In the meantime, readers can enjoy the new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. This puzzle offers a fun and engaging challenge for players to test their skills and see how quickly they can find words and discover the Target word.

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