Sorry, the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable on Sunday, September 1. The feature will be restored soon, so please try again later. In the meantime, check out the new digital version of Target Time, a popular nine-letter puzzle where you can challenge yourself to find as many words as possible and discover the Target word. Premium subscribers can play Target Time and share their results with others.

Superquiz, a popular feature that is usually available on Sundays, offers a variety of puzzles and brain teasers for readers to enjoy. The puzzles range from word games to trivia questions, providing a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge and skills. While the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable, readers can look forward to its return and continue to challenge themselves with new puzzles once it is restored.

In addition to the Superquiz feature, readers can also check out the new digital version of Target Time, a nine-letter puzzle that challenges players to find as many words as possible and discover the Target word. Players can test their vocabulary and puzzle-solving skills while competing against themselves to see how quickly they can complete the puzzle. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to play Target Time and share their results with others, adding an element of competition and camaraderie to the puzzle-solving experience.

The Superquiz feature and Target Time puzzle offer readers a chance to engage their minds and have fun while testing their knowledge and skills. Whether you enjoy word games, trivia questions, or puzzles, these features provide a variety of challenges to keep you entertained and mentally stimulated. By taking the time to participate in these activities, readers can exercise their brains and improve their cognitive abilities in a fun and engaging way.

While the Superquiz feature is temporarily unavailable, readers can look forward to its return and continue to enjoy the challenging puzzles and brain teasers it has to offer. In the meantime, players can check out the new digital version of Target Time and challenge themselves to find as many words as possible and discover the Target word. With the opportunity to share their results with others, players can compete against themselves and have fun while testing their skills.

Overall, the Superquiz feature and Target Time puzzle provide readers with an engaging and enjoyable way to challenge themselves and exercise their minds. Whether you are a fan of word games, trivia questions, or puzzles, these features offer a variety of activities to keep you entertained and mentally stimulated. While the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable, readers can look forward to its return and continue to enjoy the puzzles and brain teasers it has to offer.

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