Superquiz for Friday, January 3 is currently unavailable as it is being restored. The feature typically includes a nine-letter puzzle where players can find as many words as possible and try to discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have the option to play Target Time, which is a digital version of the puzzle.
The feature is typically curated by Andrew Brooks and offers a fun challenge for players looking to test their word-finding skills. The puzzle is available to all readers, with Premium subscribers having additional access to Target Time. However, as of January 3, the Superquiz feature is temporarily unavailable due to technical issues.
Readers are encouraged to try again at a later time once the feature has been restored. The Superquiz feature is a popular part of the publication, offering an engaging and interactive activity for readers to enjoy. While Superquiz for January 3 is currently unavailable, readers can look forward to its return once the technical issues are resolved.
In the meantime, readers can explore other sections of the publication or participate in other puzzles and games available on the platform. The Superquiz feature typically provides hours of entertainment for readers looking for a challenging activity. Once the feature is restored, readers can test their skills and compete to find the most words and discover the Target word.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the temporary unavailability of the Superquiz feature. Rest assured, we are actively working to resolve the technical issues and restore the feature as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Stay tuned for updates on the Superquiz feature and other exciting content on the platform.