Sorry, the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable and the team is working to restore it. In the meantime, readers can try playing the Target Time, a digital version of the popular nine-letter puzzle, to find as many words as possible and discover the Target word. Premium subscribers can access and play Target Time.

By Andrew Brooks, the Superquiz feature for Friday, August 30, is temporarily unavailable. The target time feature is a new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle that challenges players to find the target word within a certain time frame. Players can share their results and compete with other players. Premium subscribers have access to additional features and benefits.

The Superquiz feature on August 30 is currently unavailable and being worked on to be restored. In the meantime, readers can try their hand at the Target Time puzzle, a digital version of the nine-letter puzzle where players have to find as many words as they can and discover the target word within a specific time limit. Premium subscribers can play the Target Time puzzle and access additional features.

The Superquiz feature for Friday, August 30, is experiencing technical difficulties and is temporarily unavailable. Readers can engage with the Target Time puzzle instead, which challenges players to find the target word and discover as many words as possible within a specified time frame. Premium subscribers can access and play the Target Time puzzle for additional benefits and features.

Andrew Brooks discusses the temporary unavailability of the Superquiz feature for Friday, August 30. In the meantime, readers can try out the new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time, where players can find the target word and compete to see how many words they can discover within a given time period. Premium subscribers have access to play Target Time and enjoy additional benefits.

The Superquiz feature for Friday, August 30, is currently unavailable, but readers can still enjoy the Target Time puzzle, a digital version of the nine-letter puzzle. Players are challenged to find the target word and discover as many words as possible within a set time limit. Premium subscribers have access to play Target Time and can share their results with others.

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