Authorities in Massachusetts are investigating an alleged assault of a student by a school bus driver in Ashby, which was captured on video. The incident took place after school and no injuries were reported. The North Middlesex Regional School District Superintendent, Brad Morgan, expressed horror at the video and stated that the bus driver went too far by physically handling the student. The driver, a 64-year-old man from Ashby, is no longer employed by Dee Bus Services, the contractor for the school district. Ashby police are seeking a summons for the driver, who has not been publicly identified.

The video shows the bus driver pulling the bus over and physically confronting the student by asking them to move. When the student did not comply, the driver put his hands on the student, causing them to lose balance in the aisle. According to Morgan, the driver continued to maintain contact with the student, which resulted in him being on top of the student. Morgan emphasized that the only reason for an adult to put their hands on a student would be for safety concerns, and in this case, the student’s safety was not being threatened. The father of the student involved in the incident was understandably upset, according to Morgan.

One parent, Amanda-Lee Gross, shared that her daughters had been driven by the same bus driver for years and would often hear stories of him pulling over due to rowdy behavior from students. She expressed concern for the bus driver’s safety if students are misbehaving and causing distractions while he is driving. However, Morgan stressed that regardless of a student’s behavior, it is not acceptable for an adult to physically handle them. He spoke with the father of the student involved and acknowledged the father’s rightful upset over the situation.

Dee Bus Services, the contractor for the school district, stated that they have no tolerance for the alleged behavior of the bus driver and are fully cooperating with the investigation. Chief Derek Pepple of the Ashby police confirmed that a summons is being sought for the driver. The company has not publicly identified the driver involved in the incident. The school district is taking the matter seriously and ensuring that appropriate actions are being taken in response to the incident. Morgan reiterated that the safety and well-being of students are a top priority and any misconduct by staff members will not be condoned.

As the investigation into the alleged assault of the student by the bus driver in Ashby continues, authorities are working to gather further information and ensure that appropriate measures are taken. The incident has raised concerns among parents and the school community about the safety and behavior of students on school buses. It is crucial for adults in positions of authority, such as bus drivers, to handle situations with professionalism and care for the well-being of students. The school district is committed to addressing the incident appropriately and ensuring the safety and respect of all students under their care.

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