In this word game, players must find words of four letters or more that include the center letter and use each letter only once. The goal is to find at least one nine-letter word, with no colloquial or foreign words, capitalized nouns, apostrophes, or hyphens allowed. Verbs or plural words ending in “s” are also not permitted. The solution list is not exhaustive, and the reference source for the game is the Macquarie Dictionary. A target of 17 words is considered average, 26 words is good, and 35 or more words is excellent.

Last Sunday’s target included words such as adder, address, dare, dared, darer, dead, dear, dearer, deed, deer, dread, drear, dree, dress, dressed, dresser, eared, eased, erased, erred, read, readdress, reader, reared, redder, redress, reed, reseda, sadder, sard, seared, and seed. These words showcase the variety and creativity needed to meet the target and demonstrate the complexity of the game. Players must think critically and carefully about the letters available to them to come up with as many valid words as possible.

Players must consider the restrictions placed on the types of words that can be used in the game, such as not allowing plural words ending in “s” or verbs. This adds an additional layer of challenge to the game and requires players to think outside the box to meet the target. The game tests not only vocabulary knowledge but also word-building skills and the ability to manipulate the given letters to form new words that fit the criteria.

Finding a nine-letter word can be particularly challenging given the constraints of the game, but it adds an extra element of excitement and difficulty for players. The goal is to push players to stretch their vocabulary and word-finding abilities to come up with longer, more complex words that meet the criteria. Achieving this target demonstrates a high level of skill and proficiency in the game and shows mastery of the rules and restrictions imposed.

Overall, this word game provides an engaging and intellectually stimulating challenge for players looking to test their word skills. By requiring players to think critically and creatively about the letters provided and the restrictions in place, the game encourages problem-solving and strategic thinking. Meeting the target set for each round is a satisfying accomplishment that rewards players for their linguistic prowess and ability to think quickly and efficiently. With practice and dedication, players can hone their word-finding abilities and improve their performance in the game over time.

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